Mikey is still not o-fucking kay

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AN- sorry if this is shit, I'm probably gonna delete it soon but it's fun to write so whatever.- Trashy mc Trash Trash


Gerard and I sat in the lunch room, waiting for Mikey so that we could go to the yard. Even the yellow grassed square of nature outside our school was better than this fucking hell hole. My hair was still sticky from spitballs despite Gerard's desperate attempt to clean me off. "I'm so sorry! They just hit you with them because I was-" he stopped his adorable face turning pink. "Holding my hand?" I basically whisper in his ear cockily. He seemed to shiver at the sound of my voice as his already blushing figure turned an even darker red. "FAGS!" Didn't these fucking shits know any other words? I turned around ready to flip Brian off for his comment when I realized the comment hadn't been directed at me. I follow his gaze to see Mikey shuffling into the room looking equal parts intrigued and done as a weird looking boy strode next to him talking loudly. "Hey Mikes!" I flinch at Gerard's booming voice. Before Mikey even had time to respond the boy next to him had bounded over. "Hey!" He basically yelled in a tone that was way too fucking enthusiastic to come from a kid who had been forced into this shit school. Mikey half jogged over and opened his mouth to speak when the other boy interrupted. "Hi I'm Pete!" Okay so the boy was Pete, he was Pete and he was hideous, at least his clothes were. Mikey looked at Gerard, the word 'help' all over his face. Gerard didn't notice. "Hey! I'm Gerard! Mikey's big bro!" I shot him a look he also seemed intent on ignoring. As Gerard and Pete shook hands vigorously, I went over to Mikey. "What's up with the weirdo you dragged in." Mikey looked so happy for normal conversation I wondered what Pete had been talking about. "New kid, I have to show him around... He's a bit interesting...." I look at his expecting an explanation when something small and human sized hit my back. Pete rested his head on my shoulders staring at me intensely. "What's your name?" I lightly pushed the boy off and turned to answer. "I'm Frank." He stared at me deeply then smiles. "Three in a day wow!" I looked at him confused. "Wanna f-" Mikey cut him off with a hand over his mouth. "Um.. Go deal with Gerard, he was talking to Pete and I don't want his innocent soul lost forever." Still in a deep confusion I run over to Gerard who looked extremely uncomfortable. "What's up with you?" I say sitting next to him and grabbing his hand, more out of nature than anything else. "He was... Um.. Interesting." What's up with the ways and their 'interesting'. "Gee, your not really one to talk, most people would call you 'interesting." I state putting air quotes around the final word in a very dramatic and Gerard like fashion. "He, um rabbled a bit and um... Some other stuff." I roll my eyes getting kinda fucking annoyed at the vagueness of my friends' statements. "Elaborate?" Gerard turned even redder. "He said 'sweet two in one day' and then asked me a.... um question of sorts." I let out a sigh and walked over to a Pete that was left alone due to the fact Mikey was washing the dude's slobber off the palm of his hand. "What the heck did you say to the Ways that fucking embarrassed them so bad- I stop to think- ly. Badly" Pete thought for a moment one of his stubby legs swinging back and forth. Then his face lit up. "Oh! I know! I asked both of them-"

Muket boiiii

I sauntered back to the table Gee had chosen as a meet up spot and quickly break into a sprint. I know what angry Frank looks like, I saw it in him when Brian had been flat on his back and quite frankly (no pun intended) I saw it in him as he looked at Pete. I grabbed Frank's wrist tightly and leaned into his ear. "Gerard is behind you." I whisper quietly automatically causing him to relax. His fists unclenched and he quickly turned around and walked over to a worried Gerard. "Be careful what you say to Frank, especially when it's about Gerard." I say staring into Pete's confused eyes. His mouth gently formed into an 'O' and he smiled largely. "SORRY FRANKIEEEE!" He said practically breaking my eardrums. Frank just nodded and laced his fingers into Gerard's. God they are so in love, it makes me want to puke. I wonder if I could ever be like that? My eyes automatically went to Pete. God damn why did they always go to Pete and why did I have to enjoy looking at him so much? He meets my gaze and flashes a smile. Of course I turn bright red because dammit I'm an idiot that chooses fucking Pete Wentz of all people. Ugh, I am seriously not okay.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now