Pete can be... Not Pepe Wentz af?

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I walk towards the school gate, thinking about only one thing. One very short, emo, and meme obsessed thing. "HEY MIKEY!" And found him. I give a slight wave as Pete runs towards me. "Talking last night was really fun, I think it was so beautifully memey. Not to mention you talk way more when you're not talking. Ha ha way, like your name! Well your name and your brother's name, and probably your dad's... Oh yeah, we've known each other for two days! Wanna fuck?!" Why the hell am I attracted to him? I let out a sigh, feeling my face heat up despite my protests. "See that's why your so cute! You're all like 'raw I'm overprotective and done with your shit!' but also all cute little blushing muffin boy. I like muffins!" Mikey exhaled threw his nose, cracking a smile. "You are so lame." In response Pete just stuck out his tongue. I knew Ray for forever and he was so sweet and gentle and easy to talk to but Pete? Pete is different, he's weird and off beat but he makes me smile. He's..... Fun. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I knew what was happening I was on the floor and bleeding, my head fuzzy and a familiar tall figure standing over me. "Brian? Why are you attackin-" i was cut off by a kick to the stomach. Brian was cruel and horrendous but he'd never targeted Mikey, Mikey didn't matter enough to attack. "Get off him!" Pete? "Oh great another faggot to pummel!" Brian turned his attention to Pete as my eyes went black. Ow


I'm weird and I don't make sense, I ramble and I'm way too pan to function. But right now, fuck fruit snacks. I refuse to see Mikey treated this way. I refuse.


I wake up a with beautiful boy over me, and not in the usual way. "Are you an angel?" The boy's face flushed with worry. "How hard did you hit your head? Oh shit do we need a doctor?!" The voice was familiar and cute.... And gay. Cute. Gay. Mikey! "Mikey?" I was incased in a tight hug. "Oh was I wrong because the Mikey I know isn't really a hugger." The arms just tightened around me. "I'm so glad you're save you little emo shit." I felt something wet hit my back. Was it raining... Better yet was it raining chocolate! Chocolate is the best, it's almost as good as fruit snac- tears. O. Mikey was crying. "Mikey don't cry, please don't. I'm fine. Please no more tears. Please?" Mikey looked shocked but quickly wiped his tears. We sat in comfortable silence. A sliver of quiet to be remembered for all good days to come. Lol cum.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now