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"Oi fag, come here!" I gulped moving backwards. "I SAID COME OVER HERE YOU PIECE OF UNGRATEFUL SHIT!" I inched closer to my cousin, keeping my eyes on the jagged broken beer bottle in his hand. "You're lucky anyone even pays attention to you fag, you get to be one of us, ain't that special?" I just nod, silently wishing my dad would just stand up to uncle K and help me. "C'mon fag, prove your worth, hit him with all you got." I look down at my baby brother, shaking and crying. Not old enough to understand what was happening. I feel warm droplets cover my cheeks as I begin to cry, shaking my head furiously. Pain shot through my arm, the glass bottle ripping through my skin. "help. help. hel-

"GERARD, WAKE UP!" I open my eyes to see Mikey hovering over me. "I thought those damn nightmares stopped." Mikey says gently, wiping away tears I didn't even know we're there. So did I. "I guess they're back.. Maybe it's only a one time thing?" I say looking into my brother's worry filled eyes. "You're happy, right Gee?" Mikey asks turning away from my slumped body to stand. What? "I mean... What do you mean?" I struggle to get off the floor next to bed. "I mean, most of the time. You smile and laugh and sass people. That's real right? You're happy? With me and Frank and Pete?" I join my brother next to the doorframe, pressing my hand into his. "Yes Mikey, I'm happy. I promise you that much. I may not really ever be okay but.. I'm happy." A small content smile forms on my lips as Mikey leans his head against my shoulder. "Me too Gee, me too."


"THEN IT JUST EXPLODED EVERYWHERE!" I try to stifle a giggle as Pete desperately tries to explain why the chemical explosion in the lab wasn't his fault to my tired brother. "Pete, just because you didn't know the basic chemical formula that caused the explosion doesn't mean it isn't your fault." Mikey seethed, glaring at the shorter boy. "Oops?" Pete says offering a guilty smile. Mikey just shakes his head mumbling about how he was surrounded by morons. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and quickly spin around to see a beaming Frank. "Hey there my lovely boyfriend." He giggles with a wink. "Why you're in great mood today shorty." Frank just rolls his eyes and leans upwards, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. As he begins to tell me about the guitar he was saving up for I can't help but let my thoughts drift. He's so beautiful and kind,and he makes me so happy. I study his gleaming eyes and the way his gloved hands clench and unclench every so often. I study the line of his jaw that slopes just enough in just the right way, and the way his smiles tugs up more on one side then the other. I just want to listen to him and look at him forever. This last month and half feel like forever... Month and a half. Do I even know him? I love him, in the realist way but does he know me? What if as we grow closer he starts to see me as disgusting? What if this perfect world fall apart? What if he really is too violent? What if he likes causing pain? What if- I feel Mikey's hand slip on to my shoulder. His thumb slowly shaping circles across my covered skin. I'm letting everything get to me. I'm happy, Frank makes me happy. That's what matters. I grab ahold of my boyfriend's hand and tug him closer to me, causing him to let out a slight surprised squeal. "I love you Franki." I whisper in his ear causing a blush to creep up his cheeks. "Shut up loser. I'm the flirty one." He mumbles slightly as he pulls me into a short but sweet kiss.
"I love you too Gee."


I watched my brother and Frank out of the corner of my eye. A proud smile pulls at my lips, daring to break my poker face but I don't care. My brother is happy, that means I'm happy. Even if I can't ignore the spike of jealousy that shoots through me when I see them being so in love. At this thought my eyes almost instinctively move to Pete. I don't usually fall for people this easily. It took almost a year and a half for me to really develop such strong feelings for Ray. What could possibly make Pete so special? "Hey Mikester, do you like anyone? Like romantically I mean. Shortstack and Gee always make me wonder about that kind of stuff. Like before this I've never really liked anyone strongly, y'know? Unless pizza counts, lolz." Mikey just looked at the boy next to him, eyebrows raised (not even noticing the other boy's use of before now) "Lolz, really?" Pete just nods his head enthusiastically and stares at me, awaiting answers. "I guess I have romantic feelings for someone, but it's really stupid, I barely even know them." Pete just looks at me and nods, waiting for me to continue. "Why so quiet jabber mouth?" I question skeptically, genuinely confused by Pete's lack of rambling. "I guess I just like hearing you talk. Which is weird cuz usually there's only really four people I like to listen to." He proclaims flashing a smile. "And who would those be?" I say, figuring I should humor him. "Me, myself, and I! Plus Pete Lewis Kingston Wentz III!" And what can I say, I burst out laughing. A relatively short and quiet laugh for most people but basically belting for me. "That can't be your actual name!" Pete just sticks up his nose definitely. "Pizza is never rude to me about my long ass name, maybe I should just go back to it!" I let out a low chuckle at his childish behavior. "Why would a family name their children that three times?" Pete just lightly shoves me, still holding his almost constant smirk. "You're annoying Mikey, and trust I know I'm not one to talk, but..." He drifts off, probably into an internal monologue. After a good thirty seconds he stops in his tracks and looks right at me. "Mikey, I like you more than pizza." Then he just keeps skipping along, going into far too much detail about the history of fruit snacks. Those words might seem silly or random to most but I know Pete. He really cares about me, huh. I smile lightly to myself as I follow Pete to music.

More than pizza...

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now