Makeouts and Twister

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Okay I'll admit it, I should have probably asked Gerard for help but FUCK IT, MIKEY IS ADORABLE. I mean we flirt all the time and he's gay and he blushes and I blush and I'd totally share my food with him if he asked which is a pretty big deal plus-  "Um.. Pete? W-why are we in here?" I gulped. "Well um.. I forgot?" I heard Mikey let out a relieved sigh mixed with a chuckle. "You sound relieved?" I mumbled out, trying not to sound hurt but utterly failing. There was a clatter, something had fallen off the top shelf. "Oh fuck sorry." Mikey half squealed. I felt Mikey's hands wrap around mine. "Don't worry about it Pete, I just get flustered easily, nothing more." I can hear Mikey's small, sad, smile in his words. I try but I can't get the words out, I don't know how to talk (a definite first for me.) Mikey's hands are very warm and his breathing is gentle. We're very close. I finally speak, "Mikey Way, I sometimes find it hard to speak in front of you. Considering my lovely and eloquent rambling sprees I suppose that sounds stupid but it's really true. Maybe it's cuz I love to listen to you. Maybe it's cuz my brain looses focus when I'm near you. I think it may be just because you're so damn cute. You're seriously adorable, beyond adorable. Mikey Way I just gave a speech about being speechless and it's your fault so please excuse what I'm about to do and feel free to ignore it." I hear my heart beat in my ears for only a few seconds before I'm leaning in. Please Mikey, better than fruit snacks, Way. Please please please kiss back.


It had barely been a heart beat before his lips were on mine. What the fuck is going on. My hands find themselves grabbing onto the back of his shirt. Is he serious? Is this just a weird Pete thing? I bend my knees just a smidge, causing my body to slip slightly beneath him. Holy shit he's a good kisser. I was glad it was dark so Pete couldn't see my most likely bright red face as we came up for air. "That was fun." Pete said cheerfully, his arms still around me. I began to feel awkward, "You know the other two are probably suspicious, maybe me should go bac-" Pete cut off my words by quickly reconnecting our lips. "C'mon, just a bit longer Mikes." I shake my head at his carefree attitude. "You don't seem very convinced Mikey Way... perhaps I should convince you. But like I'll stop if you're really uncomfortable." I laughed slightly, "Pete, you may try and convince me." I felt Pete's mouth on my neck and in that second, I had lost.


I spread myself across Frank's lap dramatically as we stared at Petes ceiling. "He's got a Brittany Spears poster and a Metallica poster right next to each other." Frank mentioned in a distracted sing songy voice. He was tracing my scars with his finger, only my cotton shirt between us. I don't think he even noticed he was doing it. "Where are Pete and Mikey again?" I ask in a distracted voice similar to Franks. Frank smirks, "Probably making out in a closet." We both end up dying at his words, a complete giggle fest in full swing. "Hey Frank?" I hum as if floating on a cloud. "Yeah baby?" Frank answers in a similar tone.  "You're beautiful and I love you very much." I finish, gently starting to kiss him. He grabs onto the back of my head, deepening the kiss, as I shift my legs to straddle him instead of hang off him. Frank stops kissing me and looks up at me with a shimmer in his eyes. I look back. Frank sits up, pulling me in harshly. Our lips reattach moving quickly and in sync. My hands find themselves grabbing onto the the back of his shirt tightly as our kiss turns more passionate. I was panting slightly as I took in every piece of our kiss. Then suddenly it stopped. I was shocked for a second, blinking my eyes as if waking up from a long sleep. Frank is staring at me. "Um Frankie?" I push out. His arms were still heavy on my neck as he looked up shyly. He looked down at my jeans awkwardly then muttered out quietly a phrase that set me on fire. "May I?" I was on the verge of answering when the door on Pete's room swung open.


God fuckin' dammit Pete I was so close. "Ew what the fuck." Mikey looked disgusted. I scoffed, "No, 'the fuck.' Considering you interrupted." Mikey's face scrunched up in disgust. Pete just smiled widely and let go of Mikey's hand which he has entered the room squeezing like a stress ball. The tiny emo ran and jumped in between me and Gee. "Why didn't you guys invite me?" Gee shakes his head as he stands up, effectively pushing Pete off, "I'm sure you and Mikey were having plenty of fun without us." Mikey blushes profusely at his brother's statement. Seems guilty to me. I stand up, unsteady on my legs from being on the ground for so long. "Okay so do you have anything for us to actually do right now?" Pete pulled himself into a sitting position (crisscross applesauce of course) clearly in deep thought. A bright smile then bursted on to his face as he thrust is pointer finger into the air, "TWISTER!" Gee snorts at Pete's proclamation. This could be fun, if ya know what I mean. "Sure, wheres the board and stuff?" Mikey says quickly, attempting to cut off any inappropriate comments I suppose. I just chuckle and fall on to my back, staring at the high ceiling with my arms casually crossed beneath my head. So far Pete's kind of a shit host, but I got a makeout session out of it so who really cares. I guess the same thing is running through Mikey's head too. I smirk to myself and feel Gee lay his head on my stomach. "For someone who was pretty worked up a second ago you seem pretty relaxed." I smile, "Seems you have both of those effects on me." I slip my hand into his. I'm always so content in our little world together. I love him so much. "I love you too Frankie," Gerard whispers in my ear. Seeing my quizzical gaze he smiles and responds, "I can see it in your eyes." I kiss him gently on his forehead. "Okay lovebirds you ready to play!" Pete looks excited at his own words. I push myself off of the ground, helping Gee up once I'm on my feet. I crack my knuckles, "Ready to taste defeat emo?" Pete strikes an exaggerated fighting stance, "Bring it on biatch!" Gerard runs over to the spinner and calls dibs on being the person that calls out the commands. "Imma be a dang conchie if I wanna be!" He says defensively. Mikey, Pete, and I crowd around the dotted mat, Mikey being the only one without a fiery passion on his face. "Left hand red!" My head bonks Pete's as we choose the circles next to each other. "See that Mikes? I didn't fall like a mofoing BOSS." Pete laughs out. We hear a spin "Right foot yellow!" Both Pete and I mutter out curses as we stretch our legs past our hands and Mikey simply gets into a half downward dog. "Like the view?" Gerard says, most likely to Mikey based off of the nervous laugh I hear coming from in front of Pete's crotch. "Right hand red!" Mikey is forced even closer. "Babe, be honest, this game rigged? If so why ain't ya helping me win." Gee just laughs at my comment. "Swiggity swecret, that's a ladies secret." Pete and I chuckle at his response. "Well then, swiggity swotch get me away from Pete's crotch!" Giggles. "Swiggity swooty, would you prefer my booty?" Pete replies. More giggles. "Okay okay, just read off the next number Gee." My request gets a disappointed tut tut from my boyfriend, "Now now swiggity swanners, use your manners." I roll my eyes, "Swiggity swamp can we please get back to the game?" Gee gives me an ugh fine look. "Left foot gr-" A door bell rings out. Pete dramatically falls onto his back then rolls pollys onto his feat. "Who the fuck has come to my house when I have a hottie over," he gives me and Gee and a look, "no offense you two." The heavy front door lets out a creak and two faint voices can be heard. Miley and I are both sitting now, facing Pete's room's door. The pitter patter of foot steps approach. The door swings open and a crying young boy in a trucker hat steps in. Pete's eyes widen and he rushes to him, slightly pushing Mikey out of the way. "Oh my god trick baby, what happened." This trick person sniffs, looks up and says "Who the fuck are these people?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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