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Fireworks. That's the only word. No doubt. No questions. Just fireworks filling ever inch of my body. Frank pulled away a smirk on his lips, "I'll take the amount of tongue you used as an answer to my wordless question." I gulp, I knew I was bright red, I didn't care. I wrap my arms around the younger boy's waist. "I liked your question, would you like to ask another?" Frank's smile grew and he grabbed onto the collar of my tee shirt to pull my face down and kissed me again. These are the best fireworks ever. These are the best anything ever. He is the best anything ever. YAY



My phone let out tone and I was starting to regret giving Pete my number, I mean I loved his texts (don't judge me) but it's 12. Goddamit, I have to look.

Speaking about how cute you are, y'know how I kept saying "yay 3 in a day" today"

Yeah, he had met me and said yay first one.

Outgoing: Don't you mean yesterday? It's fucking 12

Pete: Whatever, guess what I was coting?

Outgoing: *counting

Pete: I was *counting the queers!

Outgoing: WHAT!?

Pete: Yeah duh, my gaydar is PERFECT

How did he know about me? I mean Gee is easy when he's with Frank but... What?

Outgoing: How the fuck did you.... Whatever, I'm just gonna guess magic and move on

Pete: Guess how many I counted!

What even is he?
Outgoing: How many?

Pete: 5 (cuz I looked in the mirror) you're beating my school by 4, I was all alone :,(

Outgoing: Subtle

Pete: Wow you're fucking sarcastic

Wait a minute

Outgoing: If we exclude you, then there's only 3... Who's the fourth


This fucker
Outgoing: ...
Outgoing: just answer the question you fucking blunt emo

Pete: 8/8 r8 8/8 m8

Outgoing: Wut

Pete: My memeolious verdict on my new label

Outgoing: Just answer the question dude

Pete: Some dude in the hall was checking out your brother's ass, same look you gave me ;)

I'm not very covert am I...
Outgoing: What did they look like?

Pete: So you admit it! Idek kinda tall and sporty, tiny bulge

Outgoing: I admit nothing, and why were you looking there

Pete: Do you even know me?

Outgoing: I just met you... But yeah I know why...

Pete: haha, TRUUU
Pete: It's almost 1, I sure am keeping you up ;)

I heard a crash from downstairs not very loud but it was noticeable. I typed out a quick be right back Pete and rushed out. What was that?


Frick, of course I fell down the stairs, how do you even do that while going up? I pushed myself up and checked for injuries. Fabulous, I'm not dead. Thank god Mikey never sleeps past 10, he would be pissed if he learned I snuck out..... "Who's there?" Fuck.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now