Chapter One

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It had been three months since Louis and Harry had applied to be foster parents and they were itching to get the news of whether or not they passed the tests. To make the time pass by faster they focused on setting up their spare room for Connor and helping Adaley excel in her schoolwork. Harry had gotten quite a bit of the planning for his and Louis' wedding done while Louis and his record company had been working like crazy to get new albums out. Harry had spent what little free time he had helping Ali prepare for her baby's arrival while Zayn was touring.

Adaley had been doing absolutely amazing in school and she'd been receiving numerous awards every week. She and Bradley had become the top students in the school and the teacher had assigned them to helping other students in lower grades. Adaley was assigned to helping Emery in school because she was having a little trouble in math. Everyone thought that Emery was slow but only Adaley and Tayler knew that Emery had dyslexia and she often mixed up numbers. Other students would get fed up and give up on helping her but Adaley didn't. She helped Emery excel at math and that had won them both awards. Bradley was assigned to helping a boy in Emery's class who was having issues in History, which was Bradley's strongest subject.

Harry had recently told his parents and sister about his and Louis' plan. They'd all expressed their concern of the new stress on Adaley and his and Louis' relationship but they told Harry they'd support them no matter what they decided. They had told them that after Connor got settled both families would have to come over to America for a visit so they could meet their possible new grandchild.

Harry and Adaley had both attended sign language classes on the weekends and two nights during the week. They family had started to communicate only with their hands to get used to it. While Harry still had trouble with some words, Adaley and Louis were fluidly signing. Adaley had moved on to teaching her two best friends while Louis helped the adults.

Harry had just gotten home from the electronic store where he was picking up a phone and computer for Connor when he heard a squeal from the living room. He walked in to find Adaley jumping around and cheering while Louis looked like he was about to cry.

"What did I miss?" Harry asked as he took his shoes off and joined Louis on the couch. Louis instantly curled into his lover's side and pecked Harry's cheek.

"I got the call from the agency and we've been approved." Louis said softly and Harry's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. The woman at the agency had said that it might take minimum of six months before they'd get approved but here they were only three months later.

"So when can we get Connor?" Harry asked and Adaley's face fell.

"Papa said the woman would bring him over on Saturday while I'm at violin lessons." Adaley whined and Harry chuckled softly.

"What's with the whining?" Harry asked as he held his free arm open for Adaley. She immediately climbed into his arms and snuggled into his side.

"I wanna be here when Connor gets here but I can't because of my dumb violin lessons." Adaley grumbled and Harry snorted, rolling his eyes playfully.

"You wanted to learn so you have to go to your lessons." Harry told her and his response caused her to roll her eyes.

"Can't I just skip this one week?" Adaley asked with an adorable pout but Louis shook his head.

"Skip this one and you'll get into a bad habit of skipping more and more until you just quit all together." Louis said sternly and Adaley's happy attitude deflated quickly.

"Okay Papa." She mumbled and Louis started to feel bad but he made himself sit up straighter and suck it up.

"It's also a good thing that you won't be here. Making Connor move from one house to another is already going to be stressful and I think it'd be even more stressful if you were here when he got here. Connor already knows me thankfully so things would be a little easier but you get excited really easily and I'm worried that it might make him uncomfortable." Louis explained and Adaley nodded, trying to hold in her displeasure. She climbed off the couch and wordlessly walked up to her room. Harry looked after her with sadness on his face.

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