Chapter Thirteen

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Harry, Louis, Connor, and Adaley ended up staying at the hospital all day and they only decided to go home when Ali's doctor nearly kicked them out of the room. Connor and Adaley had gone to bed as soon as they got home but Harry and Louis stayed up, sitting in the living room with some hot tea. Louis was nuzzled into Harry's side and Harry smiled softly down at his fiancé.

"Lou." Harry called softly and Louis looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Have you ever wished that Briana's baby was yours and not Oli's?" he asked and Louis frowned as he thought about it.

"Part of me says yes but part of me says no. I'd love to raise a baby with you but I don't want the drama that surrounds Briana's family." Louis said and Harry nodded slowly. "I'm glad that the truth finally came out and that people stopped calling me a deadbeat dad." He murmured and Harry nodded, frowning as he thought back to all the mean tweets that were sent Louis' way.

"I remember that those tweets used to upset you so bad but then I would point out the people who believed in Larry and supported us." Harry said and laughed softly. "Didn't they call themselves Larries?" he asked and Louis nodded, laughing at their shippers.

"They were always so vicious." Louis snickered and Harry scoffed.

"Were? They still are. Have you seen some things they've tweeted people that think we're just together for publicity?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head, confusion on his face. Harry snorted and thought back to some tweets he had seen. "They've told people to pull their heads out of their asses and deal with the fact that we're in love. Then they'll quote previous lines we've said in interviews when we were younger. I swear they know more about us and our relationship than we do." He joked and Louis snorted. He pulled out his phone and looked up some Larrie quizzes. "What are you doing?" Harry asked and Louis smirked.

"Taking some quizzes to see what kind of Larrie I am." Louis said and Harry laughed but pulled out his phone, doing the same. They both got demon Larrie and the expression confused them. Louis opened his Twitter and started a new tweet. Harry looked at Louis' phone in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked and Louis chuckled softly.

"Asking our fans what the hell a demon Larrie is." Louis said and wrote a tweet out asking his followers what a demon Larrie was. Tweets started pouring in and their fans told them what being a demon Larrie meant. Harry's eyes widened when he saw the sexual tweets that some of their fans were saying and he blushed when some of their fans started calling them daddy.

"I find it so weird that our fans call us Daddy." Harry said with a grimace and Louis snorted.

"Seriously? Have you never seen some of the fan fictions out there?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head. He had seen some of the fans talking about fan fictions but he had never gotten into reading them. Louis opened up an app and Harry's eyebrows furrowed when he saw the name of it.

"What the hell is Wattpad?" Harry asked and Louis chuckled softly.

"It's where some of our fans post their stories about us." Louis explained and Harry nodded. He watched as Louis clicked on his library. Harry read some of the titles and he quirked an eyebrow.

"Do you read these?" Harry asked and Louis blushed slightly.

"I had to find something to do when we were on tour. The bus was so boring when everyone was asleep." Louis said and Harry snorted softly, looking at the books in Louis' library. He pointed to one that looked depressing and he frowned.

"What's that one about?" Harry asked and Louis frowned slightly as he remembered the story clearly.

"It kinda tells about what happened to us. I was forced to tell you that everything between us was fake and then it followed you after our split. It's scarily accurate to what happened to us." Louis said and Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"When did the author post it?" Harry asked and Louis looked up at him.

"She posted the first chapter in 2013 but she picked the book back up in 2015. I think she has three books now but I could be wrong. I was so addicted to it that I reread it about seven times. It's absolutely wonderful how she puts so much detail and life into her story. She's a wonderful writer and I hope she pursues it as a career." Louis said and Harry smiled softly.

"You should tweet about it. If it's as good as you say then you should tweet about it. Stories like that should be recognized." Harry said and Louis nodded, quickly typing out the tweet. Louis closed his Twitter app and they talked for a few moments later before footsteps made them look up. Connor stood in the doorway with a confused look on his face.

What's wrong? Louis asked and Connor sat down on the couch across from Louis and Harry.

Your fans somehow found my Instagram and they keep commenting weird things. Connor signed and Louis cocked an eyebrow.

What kind of things? Louis asked and Connor grimaced slightly.

They're calling me Daddy, son, asking me to impregnate them, marry them, beat them with a stick, or asking me to eat their butt. What is wrong with your fans? Connor asked and Louis laughed loudly, slapping his hand over his own mouth to keep him from waking Adaley.

Honestly we don't know. They sit there and call us angels and then turn around and insult us worse than people who hate us. Harry signed and Connor cocked an eyebrow.

Seriously? So they love you but they hate you? Connor asked and Harry nodded, rolling his eyes.

I've seen some of the things they sent us and it's weird. They call me a frog and Louis a hedgehog. They've nicknamed Liam lima bean and call Niall white bread. I seriously question their sanity. Harry signed in exasperation and Connor laughed softly, thinking that the fans were right. Harry did look like a frog and Louis was really as small as a hedgehog. He kept his thoughts to himself though so he didn't anger Louis.

I also posted a picture of Troy and I today that we took at the hospital and someone keeps commenting Tronnor. What the hell is a tronnor? Connor asked and Louis snorted softly.

It's a ship name. People call Harry and I Larry. This person has made a ship name for you and Troy. Louis explained and glanced down at Connor's phone. What's the username? He asked and Connor looked down at his phone for a moment.

Their name is daddygurl. Have they commented on your pictures before? Connor asked and Louis and Harry both laughed loudly.

That's Tayler, Michael's girlfriend. Harry and I are the only ones who know about her account. Louis explained and Connor nodded slowly, looking back down at his phone. He wondered why Tayler kept commenting Tronnor on his photo.

Why does she keep commenting Tronnor though? Connor asked and Louis chuckled softly.

She obviously likes you two together. She ships it like our fans ship Harry and I. Louis signed and Connor nodded slowly, blushing slightly at the thought of someone pairing him and Troy together. Wanna know a secret about Tayler that not even Michael or Harry know? Louis asked and Connor nodded furiously.

Spill! Connor signed excitedly and Louis laughed.

Tayler used to write fan fiction. She wrote a story called Unexpected. It's a story about Michael Clifford. I read it as soon as I found out about it and it is adorable. If you have free time you should go read it. It's a little awkward since Tayler has a daughter named Emery but you can tell that the main character is literally just like Tayler. It's on Wattpad and it's awesome. One of her best friends is actually in the story and she's the author of the fan fiction that I tweeted about. Louis signed and Connor's eyes lit up. He secretly loved reading stories about famous people and wondering what would happen if it was real. Connor nodded and quickly downloaded the Wattpad app. He slid his phone into his pajama pants pocket and smiled at Louis and Harry.

Looks like I have some reading to do. Goodnight. Connor signed and disappeared up to him room.

And if he spent the rest of the night reading Tayler's story no one had to know, right?

Our Little Kingdom (Third book in SA series)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara