Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(This chapter is dedicated to the beautiful angel that Heaven gained this month. You will dearly missed Johannah but I promise that you will always stay alive in our writings and in our hearts. We love you.)

Friday came up faster than Connor expected and when he got home from school he was surprised to see Tayler and Michael sitting in the kitchen. Emery was sitting between them and when Adaley saw her best friend, her eyes lit up.

"Em!" She said excitedly and started making her way over to hug the girl but Emery looked away from her, making Adaley stop in her tracks. Harry gave her a small smile and gestured for her to come to him. She walked over to him and he pulled her into his lap, kissing her head.

"So Emery will stay with us until Sunday night, correct?" Harry asked and Tayler nodded, giving Harry a thankful smile.

"We'll pick her up on our way home from New York." Tayler confirmed with a nod. "And you have both of our numbers in case something happens." She checked and Harry nodded with a chuckle.

"I've had Mikey's number for years and you know I have yours because we've talked on the phone several times." Harry reminded her and she sheepishly smiled.

"I know. I'm sorry. I've never left Emery for an extended period of time and I'm a little nervous about it." Tayler said and looked down at Emery who refused to look at her. Harry nodded understandingly.

"Trust me. I understand your apprehension. Louis and I are nervous to leave Adaley and Connor with someone else while we go on our honeymoon for a week. Just remember that you know exactly who she's with and that she's safe with us." Harry reminded her and gently squeezed her hand. "And you know you can always call Louis or me and talk to her." He told her and she nodded, giving him a thankful smile.

"Thank you so much for letting her stay with you while we take this mini vacation." Tayler thanked him and stood up, stretching slightly. She tried to say goodbye to Emery but the little girl ignored her, bowing her head and pulling her knees to her chest. Tayler sighed heavily and gave Harry and Adaley a hug goodbye, stopping to give Connor a hug as well. After they left Harry stood up and settled Adaley on his hip, the little girl curling into him.

"Louis and I figured you could sleep with Adaley like you always do when you spend the night here." He said and Emery shrugged her shoulders, making Harry sigh. He sat Adaley down and gently gave her a nudge. "Why don't you take Emery and her bags up there and get started on your homework?" he suggested and Adaley nodded, going to take Emery's hand like she had always done but her best friend pulled away, grabbing her own bag. Adaley shrunk back but shuffled up to her room with Emery following behind her silently. Connor shook his head sadly and sat his bag down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Hey Dad. Do you mind if I borrow the car for a bit? I told Bethany that I would meet her at the diner in the next town over." Connor asked, mixing in a lie so that Harry didn't suspect anything. Harry thought for a moment before he nodded.

"Yeah. I don't have anywhere I need to go. Make sure you're home for dinner though. It's our pizza and game night and you know how Louis hates when we miss it." Harry reminded him and Connor nodded, taking the keys off the counter.

"I promise." Connor said as he hugged Harry goodbye.

"Feel free to invite Troy to dinner since Ada has Emery over." Harry told him and Connor nodded as he waved goodbye. He rushed out to the car and took off down the road to the diner that he and Terrance arranged to meet at. He pulled up a half hour later and instantly recognized Terrance's sports car that he had drooled over the last time he saw his uncle. He walked into the quaint little diner and instantly spotted Terrance sitting by the window with his nose buried in a laptop. He walked up and lightly tapped on the top of Terrance's laptop. The man looked up with a frown but smiled widely when he saw who it was.

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