Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry stood there in shock for a few moments until a nurse brushed past him, knocking him back to reality. Did Louis really just storm out of the hospital when their son needed both of them? Harry sighed heavily and walked back into Connor's hospital room, putting a happy face on. Connor instantly saw through Harry's facade and gently smiled at Troy.

"Why don't you take Aiyana and Bethany to the cafeteria to get something to eat?" Connor suggested. "You guys must be starving." He said and Troy frowned slightly until he saw the way Connor's eyes flickered to Harry and back. Troy nodded and carefully picked Aiyana up, motioning for Bethany to follow him. Bethany gave him a confused look but didn't say anything. Soon Connor and Harry were alone in the hospital room.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, sitting down in one of the chairs next to Connor's bed.

"I love you Dad but cut the bullshit. I know something's wrong." Connor said and Harry frowned.

"Don't use that kind of language, Connor James." Harry scolded and Connor rolled his eyes slightly.

"Where's Papa?" Connor asked which made Harry flinch and Connor knew that he found out what was wrong without Harry saying a word. "Dad, what happened?" he asked and Harry sighed heavily.

"Papa is really upset right now with everything that's going on so he went to get some fresh air." Harry vaguely explained and Connor groaned, knowing that Harry wasn't telling him everything.

"Why won't you tell me what happened? I'm not a kid anymore." Connor reminded him and that saddened Harry. He was deeply saddened at the fact that he didn't get to watch Connor grow up from a small boy. He didn't get to hear Connor's first words or see Connor's first steps. He didn't get to see Connor off to his first day of school or kiss his scraped knee better. He knew he was being a girl about it but he hated the idea of Connor growing up in the rough position that he did while Harry was living in a warm and loving home with his mother and big sister. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked at the grown young man in front of him. Even though Connor was only sixteen, the boy was wise beyond his years. Harry took a deep breath and decided to tell Connor what was going on. Not everything but some of it.

"Louis is upset that he wasn't there to protect you. He yelled at a nurse and stormed out. I don't know where he is now but he's no longer here." Harry explained and Connor nodded slowly, carefully sitting up and setting his hand gently on Harry's.

"Go find him and try to talk to him. Tell him that this isn't his fault. It's not anyone's fault. Simon is a deeply troubled man. No one could've foreseen this happening." Connor suggested and Harry nodded, standing up. He hesitated when he started for the door. "Go ahead. I'll be fine here. I've got Troy, Aiyana, and Bethany to keep me company." He told his father and Harry nodded, walking out of the hospital room. He texted Louis and found out that his fiancé was at the Starbucks just down the road. He hurriedly made his way to the shop and stepped inside, deeply inhaling the wonderful coffee smell. He found Louis on one of the couches and sat across from him.

"Hey." Harry said softly and Louis looked up but didn't answer. "How are you?" he asked and again, Louis didn't answer. Harry groaned and ran a hand over his face. "Say something." He pushed and Louis rolled his eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Harry?" Louis asked sharply and Harry flinched slightly from his tone.

"Anything. How are you? Are you feeling better from before? What's going on in your head?" Harry pushed and Louis glared at him.

"How am I? I'm fucking upset because the boy I promised to protect is lying in a fucking hospital bed because I was stupid enough to let him go out alone when I KNEW that Simon was running the streets! I should've been there to protect him and this is my fault!" Louis said, his voice getting louder as he spoke.

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