Chapter Eleven

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Harry was a nervous wreck as they shopped around for the babies. He was checking his phone every two minutes. Eventually Connor got fed up with his behavior and he took Harry's phone from him, sliding it into his pocket.

Constantly worrying about her and the babies isn't helping anything. Try to take a few deep breaths and find something to take your mind off of it. Connor told him sternly and Harry pouted, crossing his arms. He looked like a small child and Connor laughed softly, thanking the lord that he had been taken by such understanding parents.

Fine. Fine. Fine. Harry signed in exasperation and they continued their shopping trip. Troy had ended up tagging along in their shopping trip and Connor was doing everything in his power to avoid the other boy. Alice and Tayler were in a deep conversation about the newest All Time Low CD while Anne and Jay were talking about when they were going to get their dresses for Harry and Louis' wedding. Anne had told Jay that she and Gemma would be more than happy to help Jay get all the children ready. Harry looked over and saw that Adaley and Emery were holding hands and that they were whispering and giggling amongst themselves. Harry smiled softly because he knew that one day they would make the newest 'it' couple. Connor suddenly stopped walking and had a look of fear on his face as he looked ahead of him. Harry followed his gaze and saw a group of very tough looking boys were staring at his son. Harry frowned and wondered if Connor's fear of the boys had anything to do with the bruises that still littered his face. No one noticed that Troy's entire body had tensed and that he was looking between Connor and the boys. He didn't know why but he felt the need to protect Connor and that feeling scared him. Harry wrapped an arm around Connor's shoulders and pulled him close, wondering if he should call Paul. Connor shrunk down and looked up at Harry, begging him with his eyes to leave. Harry nodded and led Connor away from the group of boys. Everyone but Troy followed them. Troy walked up to the group and smiled at them.

"Hey guys." Troy said and the boys nodded at him.

"Hey man. What are you doing with that fag?" The biggest one asked and Troy' fists clenched at the boy's words. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Exactly who are you talking about?" Troy asked and he could see in the reflection of the store window behind the boy that the group he was with had stopped to watch the scene before them.

"The one we beat the shit out of the other week. Don't know his name and don't care to learn it. We tried to beat the gay out of him but I guess it didn't work. Looks like we'll have to keep doing it." The boy said with a scoff and Troy cocked an eyebrow.

"So you're the ones that beat the shit out of Connor? The ones that gave him the busted lip?" Troy asked calmly and the boy nodded with a smirk.

"Hell yes and we're proud of it." The boy said and Troy chuckled softly.

"Well I'm pretty damn proud of what I'm about to do." Troy said and lunged at the boy, effectively knocking him out with one punch straight to the face. The boy's friends stepped up to defend him but Troy shook his head. "I wouldn't if I was you idiots." He said and the second biggest cocked an eyebrow.

"And why's that?" He sneered and Troy gave him a wicked grin.

"Because not only am I a football player but I'm an MMA fighter and undefeated. I could knock all of your asses out in the blink of an eye." Troy warned and the boys stepped back. They gathered their friend and almost ran out of the mall. Troy walked back over to the group and they were all staring at him in shock. The boy they had barely known just knocked out one of Connor's bullies. Troy smiled at them. "Shall we?" he asked and everyone nodded slowly. Connor trailed behind and came up next to Troy, handing him his phone.

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