Chapter Four

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Connor woke early the next morning and sat on the edge of his bed after he opened the windows. He breathed deeply and silently wished that he could hear the early morning chirping of the birds and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees outside of his room. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, slowly making his way to his closet. He pulled open the doors and pulled out an All Time Low hoody, pulling it on over his stained white t-shirt. He looked down at his ripped black skinny jeans that he had slept in and he sighed heavily at how poor he looked. He knew that he didn't fit the image of the family he was put with and he hated himself for that. He walked back over to his bed and hid the pink sweater under his pillow before he made his bed military style like his father had taught him years ago. He gave the picture of his mother and sister a kiss before he made his way downstairs, holey socks not making a sound on the hardwood stairs. He peeked into the kitchen and saw that Harry and Louis were playfully making breakfast together while Adaley was telling them something that made them laugh. Connor wished that he could hear his new family's voices and be able to communicate with them without using his hands. He knew it wasn't possible though. His doctor had told him a long time ago that he'd never regain his hearing and he'd just have to live with being deaf. Connor walked into the kitchen and Harry's eyes light up when he saw the tall boy who still had bedhead.

Morning! Louis and I are making breakfast. Any requests? Harry asked and Connor shook his head, shuffling to the table and sitting in the seat across from Adaley. Louis spotted the nail polish on Connor's fingers and cocked an eyebrow.

Why are your fingernails pink? Louis asked with a small smile and Connor blushed, ducking his head slightly.

Adaley asked if she could paint my fingernails yesterday and I told her yes. Connor explained and Louis nodded, shaking his head fondly at Adaley's proud smile. Harry and Louis sat the table before sitting down, smiling at each other from across the table.

We talked to our friend Tayler and since it seems like her style is more your speed she's meeting us at the mall with Emery and her boyfriend Michael. Louis told him and Connor nodded, starting to hesitantly eat breakfast. He was worried that if he ate too slow or too fast that Harry and Louis would take it away from him. He saw that Louis and Harry were conversing softly and he kept his eyes down, worried that if they caught him reading their lips then they'd punish him. Somewhere in his brain he knew that they wouldn't but still his overwhelming fear won the battle and he made sure he kept his eyes down. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that Harry was smiling kindly at him.

We're leaving in an hour. We also have to do some grocery shopping because everyone is coming over for dinner tonight. You have your homework done for tomorrow, correct? Harry asked and Connor nodded.

Would one of you be willing to read my paper? I need it proofread before I turn it in. Connor asked and Harry nodded, smiling widely at Connor. Harry was so happy that Connor was already asking for help.

What's your paper on? Harry asked and Connor smiled sheepishly.

The importance of music for our generation. We had to write a paper on a topic close to our hearts for my writing class. Connor explained and Harry nodded. He was proud of Connor's choice of topic. Connor nervously played with his hands. I was wondering if we could get some art supplies as well. He signed nervously and Louis shrugged.

I don't see why not. Louis told him with a smile and Connor let out a sigh of relief. Actually, if you wait until the end of this week Zayn will be free and he can take you. He was always the artistic one of our group and I bet he'd be happy to take you to some of his favourite shops in New York. He'll be here tonight if you'd like to ask him. Louis mentioned and Connor's eyes lit up at the idea of going shopping with a fellow artist. Connor nodded rapidly, making a mental note of asking Zayn later that night. Harry glanced at the time.

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