Chapter Nine

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When Connor woke up he found himself in his room and Harry was sitting on the edge of his bed. When Harry felt the bed shift he looked up with a sad smile on his face.

How are you feeling? Harry asked and Connor shrugged slightly. He lifted his hands up to sign back but he froze when he saw the white bandages around his arms. He looked at Harry with wide eyes and Harry, in turn, gave him a sad look.

I can explain. Connor rapidly signed with shaking hands and Harry shook his head. Something flashed in Harry's hand and Connor looked down to see his oldest friend being held in his new parent's large hand. He yearned to reach out and take it. He yearned to feel the cool metal that had given him so much release between his fingertips again. He didn't act upon it though for fear of what Harry would do.

How long? Harry asked and Connor winced slightly when he saw the sadness in Harry's eyes.

Since I was seven. Connor answered and Harry looked at him. Connor could see dried tear tracks on his new parent's face and that broke Connor's heart. He knew that he had already let Harry and Louis down which in turn meant that he had let Adaley down and that's what killed him the most. Letting Adaley down felt like he was letting Emily down. I understand if you want to send me back and change your mind on adopting me. I'll start packing. Connor signed sadly and started to get up but Harry's hand on his thigh stopped him. Connor looked up and saw that Harry was even more upset.

We would never send you back because of this. It hurts Louis and me knowing that you've been hurting even while you've been here and we've been so oblivious to it. It might not mean much but we want to help you. We'll get you the best therapist and get you whatever you need to help you overcome this. We don't want you to turn to a razor every time you feel upset. We want you to turn to us, your family, when you're upset. We're here to help you; not leave you when things get hard. Harry told him and Connor's heart clenched tightly. He looked down at his arms and thought of the possibility of stopping such an addictive habit. He looked back up at Harry and noticed that Adaley was poking her head into the room. As soon as she saw that he was awake she rushed in and tackled him in a hug, burying her face into his shirt. She sobbed into his chest and Connor hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. He looked up at Harry with a questioning glance.

Why is she crying? Connor mouthed and Harry gave him a sad smile.

She helped us bring you up here and she was the one who noticed the cuts. She was so scared that she didn't leave your side until we made her get up so she could shower. She helped us wrap your arms and then she put that pink sweater under your pillow in your arms. She cuddled up to all night. Harry explained and Connor's heart broke as he looked down at her. She looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

Please don't leave us. I'd miss you too much. She begged with shaky hands and Connor shook his head, giving her a small smile.

I'd never leave you, monkey. You're stuck with me. Connor told her, using the nickname he had given her. Seeing him call her monkey again made her giggle and she hugged him tightly, burying her face into his neck and breathing a sigh of relief. Connor looked up and saw Louis whispering something into Harry's ear. Harry nodded and Louis walked out of the room without glancing at Connor.

Louis said that our families are almost here. You might want to get ready. Adaley and I will leave you alone. Harry said and he told Adaley that they had to let Connor get ready.

"No!" Adaley shouted and Harry was shocked at her outburst.

"Excuse me?" Harry asked sternly and Adaley shook her head, clinging tighter to Connor.

"I'm not leaving his side for the rest of the day." Adaley snapped and Harry looked at her with a frown. She hadn't had an outburst like that in a long time. He decided to let it slide because of the past day's events. Harry let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine but you will not speak to me like that again, young lady. That is not acceptable." Harry said sternly and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Adaley looked up at Connor and smiled at him.

I have to get a shower, Monkey. Would you like to pick out what I wear today? Connor asked and Adaley nodded, happily skipping off to his closet. As he showered she dug through his shirts and finally settled on a 5SOS tee and a pair of black skinny jeans. She made a mental note to talk him into getting normal pants for once. Soon Connor walked back out wrapped up in a fuzzy robe as he towel dried his hair. He gestured for her to turn around until he got his jeans on. When he was done he tapped on her shoulder and she turned around, gasping at the marks all over Connor's torso. There were cigarette burn scars, scars from his razor, and darkening bruises. She gently sat him on the bed and he looked at her in fear.

Hold still. Adaley ordered and Connor nodded. He watched as her small, delicate fingers traced over each of the scars. He was in awe of how gentle she was being around each and every mark. Eventually she looked up and cocked her head to the side.

What? Connor asked and Adaley gave him a small smile.

You're like a flower, bubby. She signed, using the nickname she had come up with. Connor shook his head and pulled on his shirt.

I'm not a flower, you crazy monkey. I have too many flaws to be as beautiful as a flower. Connor signed sadly and Adaley shook her head.

Some of the most beautiful flowers have scars and marks. Adaley told him and walked over to his closet to choose a beanie. He looked at her in shock and wondered how such a young girl could have wisdom beyond her years. She brought him back a black beanie and he slipped it on, fixing his fringe. Adaley perked up and smiled widely. Papa said that they're here. C'mon! She told him excitedly and started to pull him from the room. Connor and Adaley stood at the top of the stairs and looked down. Connor was shocked at the amount of people in their entry way and they must've made some kind of noise because soon all eyes were focused on them. Connor was frozen in fear but he was pulled out of it by Adaley gently pulling on his hand. C'mon bubby. It'll be okay. She signed comfortingly and Connor gave her a hesitant nod before he followed her down the stairs. Jay and Anne eyed him carefully before they both enveloped him into a hug which shocked him. When they pulled away Anne gave him a warm smile.

"I'm Anne. I'm Harry's mum and Adaley's Nonna. You can call me Anne or Nonna. Whichever you're more comfortable." Anne said, introducing herself. She then went on to introduce her husband and eldest child. Connor turned to Jay who had a kind smile on her lips.

"I'm Jay, Louis' mum. Adaley calls me Gamma Jo. You can either call me Jay or Gamma Jo. Either is fine with me." Jay said and Connor nodded. Jay started to introduce each of her children and husband and Connor started to feel bad because he knew there was no way that he would be able to keep all their names straight. Each of the girls gave Connor a hug which he hesitantly returned. They gathered in the living room and they were talking softly while Connor sat in silence in the corner of the room. He felt so out of place because he couldn't hear what they were saying and he internally cursed his disability. Anne looked over at him and smiled softly.

"So what are you planning on doing when you go to university?" Anne asked and Connor smiled sheepishly. He wasn't sure if he should tell them the truth or not. "You can be honest with us with what you want to do." She insisted and Connor nodded, turning to face Louis and Harry who were acting as he translators.

I'd love to pursue my art in my free time but if I regain my hearing I'd like to be a social worker or a child abuse counselor. I want to help children who live or lived in abusive homes. Connor explained and Anne smiled when Harry had told her what he had signed. Soon the conversation turned to something that Connor had no interest in so he zoned out again. He felt his stomach rumble and he gently tapped on Harry's shoulder.

Yeah? Harry asked and Connor smiled sheepishly.

What's for dinner, Dad? I'm starving. Connor asked and all the adults froze. Harry and Louis looked at Connor in shock while Connor felt like melting into the floor.

Had he really just called Harry dad?

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