Chapter Twenty-Four

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It took a week of planning and recording but the three groups finally had everything set up. They were just trying to decide how to do the music video.

"I think we should do a video highlighting gay marriage and people that are against it." Zayn said and Perrie shook her head.

"What if we did a video just all of us sitting around singing like how you guys did for Little Things?" She suggested and Zayn shook his head. Their disagreements erupted into a full out argument until a voice of reason stepped in.

"Adaley came up with the idea of doing the song. What if we let her voice her opinion?" Harry said and everyone went silent. They looked at each other before nodding in agreement. The groups turned to the little girl who was awkwardly sitting on the couch in Louis' study. She blushed deeply and cleared her throat.

"I was thinking we could have all the couples in our group and then some of your friends. Daddy is friends with Cara and Cara has a girlfriend. He could see if she's willing to be in our video. Emery and I could be in it and Troy and Bubby could too. It would show that no matter what gender the two people have, the love is still the same." Adaley suggested and Harry's eyes lit up.

"I love that idea. Everyone?" Harry asked, turning to the group. Everyone stared at the little girl in shock. No one outside of Adaley's little family knew just how talented and creative the little girl was.

"I think it's a beautiful idea. There's so much we could do that would highlight the fact that there's no difference between Zayn and Ali or Harry and Louis." Perrie said and Adaley smiled widely, sitting up straighter.

"Everyone thinks that my daddy and papa raise Bubby and me differently than Tayler and Mikey just because they're two men. Em and I get in trouble for the same things and Daddy and Papa raise me and Bubby just like Tayler and Mikey raise Emery." Adaley said and Louis smiled softly. It always warmed his heart when Adaley called him Papa. Liam decided to speak up for the first time.

"What if we have the kids introduce the video?" Liam suggested and everyone gave him a confused look.

"What do you me, Li?" Louis asked and Liam chuckled softly.

"Adaley beautifully said the points that we're trying to get across. Why not let her, Emery, Troy, Connor, and the twins introduce the video? It'll show the viewers that children of straight and gay couples grow up in similar households. I know the twins can't talk and they're still newborns but Troy and Connor can hold them." Liam explained his idea and everyone nodded slowly, letting the idea sink in. Perrie smiled widely.

"I love that idea." She said and everyone nodded in agreement. Harry turned to Adaley.

"Would you go get Connor so we can run this idea past him?" Harry requested and Adaley nodded, dashing out of the room. The adults in the room talked softly for a few minutes until Adaley walked back in, no Connor in sight.

"Where's Connor?" Louis asked and Adaley's eyes were huge.

"You need to hear this." Adaley said breathlessly and Louis and Harry frowned but followed her nonetheless. When they got close to Connor's room she gestured for them to be quiet. She pointed at the door and they walked closer. She signed for them to listen closely. Only sounds in the hallway were their breaths until they heard music starting up.

"Trying hard not to fall/ On the way home/ You were trying to wear me down, down/ Kissing up on fences/ And up on walls/ On the way home/ I guess it's all working out, now." A voice softly sang from Connor's room and Harry and Louis' jaw dropped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. How did they not know that their son had the voice of an angel? As they continued to listen they realized that Connor and Troye had similar sounds and they both knew what to do. They tiptoed back downstairs and walked into the study. Everyone looked at them and they all wondered the same thing. What was Adaley talking about earlier?

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