Chapter Nineteen

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( There is a lot of hateful words in this chapter and some homophobic slurs. I'm warning you now. Also, there will be an author's note at the end of this chapter. By the way, this chapter is over six thousand (6,000) words. (6,035 words to be exact.) Hope you enjoy it. It made me very emotional. All the love. S.)

As Connor and Adaley walked to the park the little girl talked excitedly about seeing Bethany again.

"I really like your best friend, Bubby. I love her different hair colors and how happy she is even though I can tell she's been through a lot. Do you think Daddy and Papa will let me dye my hair when I'm older?" Adaley rambled and Connor frowned slightly, focusing on Adaley's statement about how Bethany's been through a lot.

"H-how ca-can yo-you te-tell sh-she's be-been thr-through a-a l-lot?" Connor asked and Adaley smiled slightly at her big brother.

"Because she has the same scars as you, Bubby. I know you try to hide them but I've seen them." Adaley explained and Connor's jaw dropped slightly. "My mommy had some scars like that too but then she got a tattoo on her wrist of a semi colon after I was born and when I asked her about it she told me that as soon as she had me she stopped hurting herself. She said she'd finally found a person that made her have hope in life again." She said, recalling what her mother told her when she was merely four years old. Connor thought deeply about what Adaley said and he realized that he hadn't hurt himself since he moved in with Harry, Louis, and Adaley. He realized that he had finally found the people who gave him hope in his life again. The rest of their trip to the park was silent as he thought about how his life had changed in only a few short months. The only thing left to fix was his stutter and he knew that he could get over it if he worked hard enough.

When Connor, Adaley, and Elsa reached the park Adaley ran off as soon as she saw Bethany. The little girl threw herself into Bethany's arms and Bethany hugged the little girl tightly.

"Guess what Bethy!" Adaley said excitedly and Bethany laughed softly, kneeling down to Adaley's height.

"What little one?" Bethany asked and Adaley enthusiastically pulled on Bethany's hand.

"My bubby can hear again. It's only temporary but he can hear!" Adaley told her in a rush and Bethan gasped, looking up at Connor for conformation.

"Is it true?" She asked softly and Connor nodded, smiling softly at his best friend.

Like she said, its temporary but the doctor is gonna set up another appointment with us to talk about a permanent solution. Dad and Papa are gonna sign me up for speech therapy to help me get rid of my stutter too. Connor explained and Bethany surged forward, hugging her best friend tightly around the next.

"I can't believe it. Now you can follow your dream." Bethany whispered and Connor nodded, hugging her tightly. They pulled away and walked over to a bench, sitting down. They watched Adaley run around and play with Elsa for a while.

Dad and Papa caught Troy and I kissing. Connor signed and Bethany raised an eyebrow.

"How did they react?" Bethany asked and Connor laughed softly.

They and Adaley said it was about time. Apparently everyone was rooting for Troy and me to start dating. I told Tayler and she sent me back a text full of random emojis. When I asked her what that was about she said she couldn't really form real words while she was screaming so I got the next best thing. Connor said, showing Bethany the texts. Bethany laughed loudly and shook her head.

"Sounds like my kind of woman. Who else knows?" Bethany asked and Connor groaned softly.

Niall, Zayn, Ali, Breana, Liam, Alice, Josh, Emma, Tayler, Michael, Emery, Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Alia. I think that's it so far. We haven't told Dad or Papa's families yet because they don't really need to know yet. Connor signed, ticking off the list of names as he went.

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