Chapter Eighteen

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Harry, Louis, Connor, and Troy were sitting in the car after the doctor's appointment. Troy still hadn't said anything and that worried Connor slightly.

"A-are yo-you o-okay?" Connor asked Troy carefully and Troy nodded, smiling slightly.

"I'm fine baby. I just need to ask you if you're okay with us picking up my daughter while we're here in New York. Your dads said it was fine but I still have to ask you. If you just want to go home I understand." Troy asked and Connor smiled.

That's fine with me. Connor signed and Troy nodded, telling Louis and Harry that Connor said it was alright. He gave Harry the address and sat back in the seat, nervously bouncing his leg. Connor smiled softly and laid his hand over Troy's which was on the seat between them. "Ner-nervous?" he asked and Troy chuckled softly.

"Honestly yes. I was hoping you'd walk up to the door with me so that I could introduce you to Mya." Troy said nervously and Connor's eyebrows furrowed.

"W-why?" he asked and Troy smiled softly, taking Connor's hand into his.

"Because Mya is a big part of my past and I want her to meet my future." Troy said softly and Connor's cheeks turned a dark red. They pulled up in front of a red brick house with a white picket fence. Troy took a deep breath and nodded toward the house. "This is it. Ready?" he asked and Connor nodded slowly. They slid out of the car and walked up to the door hand in hand. Troy gently knocked on the door and they waited patiently for Mya to answer.

"Coming!" A voice called and soon the door was pulled open. There stood a short young woman with jet black hair and hazel eyes. "Troy! It's so good to see you!" the girl said excitedly and gave Troy a halfway hug.

"It's good to see you too, Mya. Where's my little princess?" Troy asked and there was a squeal and a thump followed by loud sobbing. Troy dropped Connor's hand and rushed into the house, Mya on his heels. Connor shyly stepped into the house and shut the door behind him. Soon Troy came into the living room with a little girl in his arms. She had her face buried into his neck and it took everything in Connor to not coo at the sight. Mya looked up and her eyebrows furrowed when she finally noticed Connor standing there.

"Who's this?" she asked and Connor sheepishly smiled.

"This is my boyfriend Connor." Troy said and Mya nodded slowly, looking Connor up and down.

"So this is the boy you haven't stopped texting me about." Mya said slowly, circling Connor slowly. Connor started to get nervous under Mya's intense gaze.

"Yes it is and would you stop circling him like you want to devour him? You're freaking him out." Troy asked in exasperation and Mya nodded, stepping back from him.

"You have good taste, Troy. He's as cute as you told me in the texts." Mya told him and both Connor and Troy blushed.

"We should probably get going. Connor's parents are waiting in the car and I'm pretty sure they want to get home before their daughter gets home from school." Troy explained, picking up Aiyana's overnight bag. "Is her carrier in here or still in her room?" he asked and Mya thought for a moment.

"It's still in her room. Her playpen is in there too. I'm guessing you don't have anywhere for her to sleep so I folded it up for her. Follow me and I'll help you grab everything." Mya said and Troy nodded, starting to follow Mya but he stopped when he felt Connor's hand on his shoulder.

I'm gonna tell Dad and Papa what's going on. Connor signed and Troy nodded, kissing Connor's cheek quickly. Connor slipped out to the awaiting SUV and knocked on the window. Louis rolled it down and smiled at his son.

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