Chapter Thirty-One

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Harry took Breana back to the hotel after they walked around a little bit more and he went home, sitting down at their kitchen table with his head in his hands. Breana and him discussed that she needed to tell Niall as soon as possible. The doctor had informed her that she was three months along and she had another month or so until she found out the gender. He could tell that Breana was excited but also terrified and he knew how she felt. When he and Louis decided to adopt their children he was terrified yet excited. He made sure to give Breana Ali's number in case she ever needed a woman's perspective on raising a child. He heard the front door open and tried to push Breana and Niall to the back of his mind.

"Harry?" Louis called out and walked into the kitchen to find Harry furiously scrubbing at an invisible spot on the counter and he knew instantly that something was on his mind. "What's wrong?" he asked and Harry sighed.

"I can't tell you. Not yet but soon." Harry told him and went back to scrubbing and Louis decided to leave it at that, not wanting to annoy Harry about whatever was on his mind. He decided to go to his office, giving Harry the space he needed.

Connor had a lot on his mind just like Harry and he looked around the gym that his principal had thankfully let him use for this meeting. He had nearly the entire junior and senior student body sitting in the bleachers wondering what was going on. They had gotten a mass email from Connor telling them that if they were interested in a weekend job to meet at the gym at eight in the morning the following Saturday. Connor cleared his throat and grabbed the microphone from Troy who was giving him a thumbs up.

"Everyone quiet down." Connor said and everyone started to settle down, all eyes focusing on him. He saw Alia sitting in the front row and he took a deep breath. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you received an email from me this past week about a job opportunity. I'm throwing a concert for my fathers and I need all your guys' help. I need people to run merchandise booths, food booths, lighting, sound, backstage, security, ticket booths, and any job that you can think of. Troy will be passing around clipboards for you to sign up for whichever job interests you the most and please sign up for more than one because I can't guarantee that you will get the job you want the most if we have a lack of people signing up for a certain job. You will be getting paid for this but this will also look great on resumes for college and jobs. Each job will have a leader or two and I will introduce each leader now." Connor explained and Zayn, Liam, Niall, Paul, Lou, 5 Seconds of Summer, Alia, Josh, and the rest of the band lined up behind Connor while Troy and Bethany came to stand next to Connor. "Each leader will introduce themselves and say which job they will be leading." He said and handed the microphone over to Zayn first.

"I'm Zayn Malik and I will be in charge of creating the set list with Liam and Niall. I'm excited to be working with all of you." Zayn introduced himself and handed the microphone over to Liam.

"My name is Liam Payne and I will be helping Zayn with the set list but I will also be helping with security as well. Anyone that is interested in security will be working on a work out regime with myself and our trainer Mark Jarvis." He said and handed the microphone to Niall.

"I'm Niall Horan and like Zayn said I'll be helping with the set list for our band but I will also be in charge of the food booths. Those who work with me will be making food and serving it. We will be working together to create a menu and making enough food to feed an army." Niall told everyone and handed the microphone to Paul.

"My name is Paul Higgins and I will be lead security with Alia Wayfield. I worked as One Direction's security for a while so I know the ins and outs of keeping these boys safe. Not only will you be keeping the bands safe but you will be keeping the fans safe as well. Some of you might even be assigned to certain stars if we have celebrities show up to this concert. I expect nothing but the best from my team." Paul sternly told everyone in the bleachers before handing the microphone over to Lou.

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