Chapter Twenty-Two

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Harry woke up the next morning and he looked over, getting ready to say good morning to Louis but his whole demeanor changed when he realized that Louis wasn't next to him. Harry flopped back down on his pillow and let out a heavy sigh. He had been up half the night trying to calm down Adaley who had nightmare after nightmare all night. Most of them were about Connor but there were a few that involved Louis leaving them forever. Those nightmares broke Harry's heart. He wanted to call Louis and tell him to come home but he knew that Louis had to figure things out on his own time. Harry groaned as he climbed out of the bed. He was stiff and beyond exhausted but he knew that he had to get up and get Adaley some breakfast before they went to the hospital. He walked down the stairs and froze when he heard singing in the kitchen. He thought for a second that someone had broken in until he rounded the corner and saw Louis standing at the stove, making a simple breakfast of extremely burnt pancakes and over cooked eggs. Harry cleared his throat and Louis spun around, smiling at Harry.

"Morning. I saw that Adaley was already up so I thought I'd make food." Louis said brightly and Harry frowned. He rubbed his eyes. He had to be dreaming, right? Louis wasn't really in the room. He would wake up in his bed alone and Adaley would be right next to him, sleeping soundly. When he opened his eyes, Louis was still there wearing that same smile.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked sharply and Louis' face fell. Hurt flashed through his eyes but he covered it up with a smile.

"I'm making breakfast for my family." Louis said simply and Harry squared his shoulder and clenched his jaw. He was happy that Adaley wasn't anywhere around them at that moment because Harry was getting ready to blow and whenever he got upset, it wasn't a pretty sight. Louis turned around and chose to ignore Harry's furious expression.

"Your family? Last time I checked you weren't sure you even wanted Connor and Adaley. Last time I checked you wanted to postpone our wedding. Last fucking time I checked, you didn't want to be around. How dare you come back into this house and act like nothing fucking happened back at the hospital!" Harry yelled and Louis visibly curled into himself. "What right do you have doing this to us? I still don't know what the hell to tell Adaley when she asks where Papa is." He shouted at his ex-fiancé and Louis turned around slowly.

"You don't have to tell her anything because I'm back." Louis said simply and turned back to the stove. Harry's chest rose and fell rapidly as anger coursed through his veins. How dare Louis think he could just waltz back in like nothing had happened? He broke Harry's heart with the words that he spoke only a day before and words like that take more than just twelve hours to recover from.

"No you aren't. You need to figure out your shit, Louis." Harry said and walked over to the stove, shutting it off. "I want you out of the house by the time Adaley and I are ready." He said and spun on his heel, getting ready to leave the kitchen. He froze when he saw Adaley standing there with tears in her eyes. "P-princess..." he stuttered and Adaley whimpered softly.

"Daddy, why are you telling Papa to leave?" Adaley asked in a shaky voice and Harry swallowed around the lump in his throat.

"How long have you been standing there?" Harry asked as he tried to avoid her question. Adaley rubbed her eyes with the heels of her palms.

"Since you started yelling at Papa." Adaley whimpered and Harry took a step toward her but she stepped back, breaking Harry's heart. "Why are you yelling at Papa? He was just trying to make breakfast to surprise you." She told him in soft voice and Harry kneeled down, attempting to get on her level.

"Papa and I are just having a fight and I think it's best if we spend a little time apart." Harry tried to vaguely explain and Adaley shook her head. She didn't want her fathers to split up. She finally had two parents and she didn't know what she would do if she lost one of them.

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