Chapter Thirty-Five

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After Connor escaped to him room he made sure to lock the door. He didn't want anyone disturbing him while he continued his work on the plans for the concert. He laid out everything in front of him and started to look through the paperwork. He couldn't focus though. His mind kept drifting back to Harry and Louis in the hospital. He was filled with fear as the image of Louis laying in a hospital bed hooked up to so many machines filled his mind. He couldn't lose another parent. He had already lost his mom when he was young and it would kill him if he lost Louis too. He let out a shaky sigh as a tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away.

"No. I need to suck it up." He grumbled to himself and took a deep breath but it didn't work. The tears just kept flowing. He glanced over to the side at the picture he had on his desk of himself with Harry, Louis, and Adaley. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was one of his favourite memories since he came to live with Harry and Louis. They had just come home from a trip upstate to see a musical to celebrate Connor getting his hearing back. They hadn't even been home for five minutes before Adaley begged their dads to take them to the ice cream shop. They were all exhausted from the drive but Harry and Louis finally gave in. They walked to their favourite ice cream shop which was only a block from their house and talked and ate ice cream until the owners had to finally ask them to leave, nearly two hours after closing. He remembered that as they walked home Adaley started to get sleepy so he carried her while Harry and Louis walked hand in hand behind them. It was the first family photo they had since the paperwork went through for Connor's adoption. A knock on Connor's door snapped him out of his memories and he shuffled over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to reveal Niall.

"Hey Connor. Dinner's ready." He said and Connor shrugged before he sat back down at his desk, staring over the paperwork for the concert. Niall sighed heavily and walked into Connor's room, admiring the artwork covering Connor's walls. He knew that Connor had talent when it came to art but he didn't realize just how talented his nephew was. It reminded him of the artwork that Zayn used to do when he was stressed while they were touring. He walked over to the boy and looked over his shoulder. His eyes glanced over the pages and he admired how much effort Connor was putting into the concert. Modest! didnt even put this much effort into their shows when they were touring the world. Their old management never cared about the fans or the guys. All they cared about was the money and everyone, even the fans, knew it.

"Please stop breathing down my neck." Connor muttered harshly and Niall frowned, taking a few steps back. It shocked him how harsh Connor sounded.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked hesitantly and Connor rolled his eyes. He didn't really want to talk about this with Niall.

"Nothing. Leave me alone and shut the door behind you." Connor grumbled and Niall opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it. He quickly left the room, making sure to pull the door closed behind him, and quickly sent out a text to the only person he knew that could help take care of the situation with Connor. He prayed that it would work.


It was nearly an hour later when Connor's bedroom door flew open and he jumped, spinning around to see a very angry Liam standing in his doorway.

"Wh-" he started to say but Liam held up his hand to silence Connor.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to Niall like that? He is here trying to help you and your sister while Harry and Louis are in the hospital." Liam yelled and Connor shrunk back. Liam felt a pain of guilt at the fear that flashed across Connor's face but he brushed it off.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Connor stuttered but Liam shook his head.

"Get changed into work out clothes. You're coming to the gym with me." Liam said and stormed out of the room. Connor stared at the spot where Liam had just been in shock. He had known Liam for awhile and never knew the man to ever raise his voice. Connor quickly did what he was told when he came to his senses and was down the stairs in a flash.

"I-I'm ready." Connor murmured and Liam turned around and nodded, looking back at Niall.

"Connor's coming with me. I'll make sure he's back at reasonable time for school in the morning."Liam said and Niall nodded, watching as Connor quickly followed behind Liam. He climbed into the car and glanced over at Liam.

"Why are we going to the gym?" Connor asked with a slight quiver in his voice as Liam backed out of the driveway. Liam glanced at him out of the corner of his eye as he drove.

"Niall told me how you snapped at him earlier. I'm taking you to the gym to help you release your anger." Liam simply told him and Connor opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it when he saw Liam's biceps bulge slightly as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. He wasn't really afraid of Liam but the fact that Liam could easily break him in two definitely intimidated him. They pulled up in front of the gym and Connor climbed out with his head down. The only time he had been to this gym was when he and Bethany were selling things for a fundraiser at Alice's last boxing match. That was the day that he met Louis and Harry. His heart hurt when he thought of Louis. He couldn't help but think that he should be in that hospital room with Louis instead of walking into this gym with Liam. Or maybe it should've been him in that hospital bed, it would've been better for everyone if he was the one who got hit. He shook his head to rid himself of that thought before he let it drift too far. He followed closely behind Liam as they walked past muscular looking guys. They looked Connor up and down and he silently wished that Troy was there with him to shield him from the looks of the body builders. Several of the men that they passed gave Liam a nod or stopped him to shake his hand. Obviously Liam was well known at this gym. They approached a punching bag and Liam dropped the duffel bag he had been carrying and pulled out a pair of boxing gloves, handing them to Connor.

"You will start by hitting the bag. I want you take out all your frustration on this bag. Picture it being someone or something that's bringing you anger." Liam said as he helped Connor lace up the gloves. He stepped around the other side of the bag and held it as he watched Connor timidly step up to the bag. Connor raised one of his gloved hands and hit the bag so lightly that Liam didn't even feel it.

"I can't do this, Liam. It's not in me to hit anything or anyone. I couldn't even throw a punch when Simon was beating me the last time." Connor said with a quiver in his voice.

"You can do this, Connor. Let your anger out dammit. Stop holding your fucking emotions in!" Liam yelled. "I'm so sick of seeing you take shit and not standing up for yourself. You let Simon and people at school push you around because you're afraid of confrontation. Stop being so fucking weak and scared! Hit something dammit!" he screamed and Liam's words hit Connor deep. His head snapped up and he pulled his fist back and started landing punch after punch on the bag, shocking Liam.

"I'm not fucking weak!" Connor yelled loud enough to capture the attention of nearly everyone in the gym. They all stopped what they were doing and turned around to see the skinny frail looking boy beating the hell out of the punching bag. "I'm strong and capable! I'm not scared of anyone or anything! I can do anything. I will be a social worker! I will testify in court and be able to look at Simon in the face!" he screamed as tears started to roll down his cheeks as he threw punch after punch. "I won't let my nightmares keep me up anymore! I will stop thinking that Harry and Louis don't love me! I'm not someone to be pitied. I'm a fucking warrior!" and with that last scream, he dropped to the floor with tears rolling down his cheeks. Liam walked around the bag and knelt down in front of him. He lifted Connor's chin and gave him a kind smile.

"Damn right. You're a warrior and I'm so proud of you." Liam said as he wiped away Connor's tears. "We all are. More than you will ever know." He helped Connor up off the ground and took the gloves off him. As they were walking out, Liam looked over at Connor with a raised eyebrow. "I'm curious. Who were you picturing in the punching bag?" he asked and Connor took a deep breath before he looked up at Liam.


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