Chapter Seventeen

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The week passed quickly for the family. Harry, Louis, Connor, and Adaley had a small family party on Monday after they had officially adopted Connor as their son. Connor had been spending all week trying to keep his nerves down regarding that Friday. He was excited about the possibility of regaining his hearing but he tried his best to keep his hopes at bay. Not only was he talking to the doctor on Friday but then Friday night Troy would be bringing Aiyana over to introduce her to Connor.

Connor, Harry, and Louis had sat down to dinner and since Adaley was spending the night with Emery, they were eating in an unusual silence until Harry decided to bring up their appointment the next day.

Are you excited about tomorrow? Harry asked and Connor swallowed thickly.

Sure. He signed halfheartedly and Harry frowned, raising an eyebrow at Connor's lack of enthusiasm.

Everything okay? Harry asked and Connor started to answer but he began to get upset when he realized that the doctor might not be able to anything for him. He took a deep breath before he decided to answer.

I guess I'm just scared. I'm excited about possibly getting my hearing back but on the other hand I'm scared that the doctor won't be able to help me and I'll be deaf for the rest of my life because of what my real dad did to me. Connor explained and Harry nodded, looking across the table at Louis. The couple had a silent conversation before they agreed on something. Connor looked over at Louis who was trying to get his attention.

Would it ease your worries if we allowed Troy to stay the night tonight? I mean you'd have to leave your door open but you have a big day tomorrow and Harry and I think that you would benefit from having Troy with you tonight. Louis told him and Connor's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that Louis and Harry were breaking one of their rules.

You would really let Troy stay the night? Connor asked in shock and Louis nodded with a small smile.

But you will have to sleep with the door open. Louis reminded him and Connor nodded furiously.

I'll text him and see if Alice and Liam will let him come over. Connor told him and Louis nodded in approval. When they finished Connor rushed up to his room to text Troy and ask him if he could come over. Troy responded only a minute later saying that Alice said it was okay. Connor rushed downstairs to tell Louis and Harry what Troy had said. A half hour later Troy was knocking on the door as he sent Connor a text letting him know that he was there. Connor yanked open the door and smiled at Troy.

Hi baby. Troy signed and Connor's eyes light up.

When did you learn sign language? Connor asked and Troy smiled sheepishly.

Just this week. Troy signed slowly and his hands stayed in midair as he tried to think of how to say the next sentence. Bethany is teaching me so that you and I can talk easier if you don't get your hearing back. And even if you do we can still sign in front of other people and confused the hell out of them. He told his young boyfriend and Connor chuckled, loving how sweet Troy was. Connor wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and nuzzled his face into Troy's neck. Troy smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around Connor, gently kissing his head. Harry walked in and Troy looked up, smiling slightly at him.

"Hello, Troy. It's good to see you again." Harry greeted him and Troy smiled slightly.

"It's good to see you too, Mr. Styles. How's Mr. Tomlinson?" Troy asked, gently rubbing Connor's back.

"I'm fine. And please just call us Louis and Harry, Troy. You're making us feel old." Louis joked and Troy chuckled slightly.

"Louis and Harry it is. So why did Connor ask me to come over tonight? He didn't say anything in his text except for me to ask if I could come over." Troy asked and Louis chuckled slightly.

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