Chapter Thirty

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Harry was standing at the stove making breakfast for himself the next morning when his phone rang loudly on the counter and he picked it up, not bothering to look at the caller id.

"Hello?" he answered and he heard a heavy sigh on the other line.

"Hey, Harry. It's Niall. I, um, I need to talk to you. Can I come over?" Niall asked on the other end of the call and Harry frowned slightly, noticing how off the boy sounded.

"Of course. Come on in when you get here. I'll be in the kitchen." Harry told him and the line went dead. Not five minutes later he heard the front door opening and Niall saying hello to Elsa. He turned around when he heard Niall walked into the kitchen and he noticed how Niall's eyes were red like he had been crying.

"Hey." Niall said softly and Harry instantly handed Niall a cup of hot tea that he had waiting for when Niall finally arrived.

"Hey. Have a seat and tell me what's going on." Harry said as he placed a plate of food in front of the seat that Niall had chosen.

"Well you remember Emma, right?" Niall asked and Harry nodded.

"Of course. You were going to propose to her, right?" he asked and Niall nodded slightly, sniffling slightly. "What happened?"

"Basically she cheated on me and left. She said she hadn't been happy in the relationship for a while but she didn't know how to let me down easy. I guess she thought this would be the best way." Niall said and took a shaky breath. "She's pregnant with another guy's baby, Harry. She's been cheating on me for most of the relationship." He told Harry and Harry's jaw dropped. He always remembered Emma being such a sweet and quiet girl. He never imagined that she could do something so horrible to such a sweet guy like Niall.

"I can't believe she did that to you, Ni. I'm so sorry." Harry said softly and gently squeezed Niall's hand.

"It still hurts but to be honest, that happened about six months ago but I was too ashamed to tell anyone." Niall admitted and Harry nodded.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. You did nothing wrong. It was her that cheated and hurt you." He told Niall and Niall nodded.

"Well, right after it happened Josh called me. He said that he and Breana broke up. He said it was a mutual split because according to him, they felt more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend." Niall spilled and Harry was shocked but he nodded, not following where this was going. "Breana and I started talking and she was helping me through everything. Three months after Emma broke it off with me Breana and I got drunk and well, we made a bad decision." He whispered and Harry braced himself for what Niall was about to say.

"What did you do?" he asked carefully and Niall took a deep breath.

"We slept together. Everything was awkward the next morning and we haven't talked about it. I don't know what to do because I think I'm starting to fall for her but I don't know." Niall told him with shame on his face and Harry nodded, thinking over the situation carefully.

"Tell me what you think when you see her or hear her name or think about her in general. Paint me a picture of her through your eyes." Harry gently pushed and Niall took a deep a breath.

"She's so damn beautiful, Harry, but not in the conventional way. She doesn't look like a supermodel but she's more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen before. Her eyes are the deepest shade of brown; they almost make me think of chocolate. Her hair is so long and beautiful and I love it when she has it down because I can run my fingers through it and it calms me." Niall rambled. "But she's not just physically beautiful, her soul is so bright it's almost blinding. She has so much love to give for someone who's had such a rough life. You should see the way she lights up when she sees a dog. It's the cutest thing. Her eyes start to sparkle and she has this glow about her when they come up to her. And she's so loving to people who hurt her. She's never said anything negative about anyone and that's what I love about her. I could harbor so much hate against Emma for what she did but I can't because of Breana. She's showed me that I should allow myself to feel hurt but I should grow from it. She's got the cutest nose wrinkle when she's confused. All I want to do when I see that is to kiss the life out of her." He said breathlessly and Harry smiled softly.

"Ni, you're in love." Harry said simply and Niall gave him a confused look. "You talk about her like I talk about Louis when someone asks me about him. I think you need to make her yours if you're ready for another relationship. In the end you need to follow your heart. So, what is your heart telling you?" he asked Niall and Niall took a deep breath.

"I think I need to make her mine before anyone can take her from me." Niall said with determination written all over his face. Harry nodded and Niall got up, getting ready to leave. They said their goodbyes after Niall planned out how he was going to ask Breana out on a real date. Harry started to clean around the kitchen when his phone went off again. He frowned when he saw an unknown number appear on his screen.

"Hello?" Harry answered and he heard sniffling on the other end of the call. "Who is this?" he asked worriedly.

"It's Breana. I stole your number from Niall's phone. Um, do you... Do you have time to talk?" Breana asked as her voice cracked and Harry's heart fell at the sadness in her voice.

"Of course. Are you in town?" Harry asked as he quickly made his way upstairs to change. He was so thankful that Louis was at a work meeting and the kids were gone with their friends.

"Yeah. I'm at the Glen Cove Mansion in Glen Cove. It's about 15 minutes from Bayville. Niall put me up in this hotel so we could visit you guys" Breana explained and Harry nodded, pulling on his converse.

"I'll be there as soon as possible. I just have to finish getting ready." Harry told her and they hung up. Harry slipped a beanie over his unruly hair and quickly made his way out to the car. He made his was as fast as he legally could to the hotel where Breana was staying. She was already waiting outside in an oversized sweater and climbed into the vehicle as soon as she saw him.

"Hi." She mumbled and Harry gave her a warm smile.

"Hey there. Shall we go to the beach to talk?" Harry asked and Breana nodded, looking out the window. He noticed how her hand moved to rest on her stomach and he made a mental note to watch her body language during their discussion. He pulled into a parking lot and got out after shutting the car off, rushing around to open the door for Breana. They slowly made their way down to the beach and took their shoes off, allowing the sand to slip in between their toes and tickle their feet. "So what's on your mind?" he asked and Breana sighed heavily.

"You might already know what's going on since you and Niall are best friends." She muttered and Harry nodded. "But why don't you tell me in your own words." He suggested and she nodded.

"So long story short is that Emma cheated on Niall and he ended up breaking up with her because of it. That happened roughly six months ago and Josh and I split around the same time. It wasn't a bad split like Niall and Emma. We both agreed that we felt more like brother and sister than we did like boyfriend and girlfriend. After that Niall and I started talking because we both went through breakups and we got close through that. Three months after that we decided to get really drunk and we ended up hooking up. I thought Niall believed it was a mistake because we didn't talk about it the next day so I just brushed it off." Breana explained and Harry nodded along, matching up what Breana was saying with what Niall had told him. Her hands started to shake and Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm to try to bring her some comfort.

"Take your time, Bre." Harry told her softly and Breana nodded, taking a shaky breath.

"A few weeks after that night I started to feel pretty sick. I was throwing up and so tired. First thought was that maybe Emma had caught something from the guy she cheated on Niall with and didn't tell him which meant he gave it to me. I went to the doctor and found out that I don't have an STD." Breana told him and curled into Harry's side. A light went off in Harry's head and he took a deep breath.

"I feel weird asking this but I need to." Harry started and took a deep breath. "Did you and Niall use protection?" he asked and Breana shook her head. She knew it was stupid of them not to but they were too caught up in the moment to even think about it and she was too ashamed the next morning that she forgot about their lack of protection. "What did the doctor say?" he asked her, not wanting to assume anything but he felt deep down that he knew what she was going to say.

"I'm pregnant and it's Niall's."

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