Chapter Six

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Harry and Louis spent the rest of their day working on their wedding plans. They made sure to replace Lexi with Connor. They laughed softly when they noticed that Connor would be walking with Cara. Eventually their children came home.

"Daddy! Papa! We're home!" Adaley called and Harry smiled softly when he saw Adaley running towards them with Connor sheepishly trailing behind her with Michael walking right next to him.

"Thanks for picking them up, Mikey." Harry said and Michael nodded, gently squeezing Connor's shoulder. Connor looked over his shoulder so he could see Michael's response.

"Any time. I love spending time with your kids." Michael said and looked over at Connor who blushed slightly. He couldn't believe that there were people outside of his best friend that liked to hang out with him. He assumed that Michael had said goodbye as he disappeared out of the house. Harry looked down at Adaley as she started to tell him a story, thankfully in sign language so Connor could understand.

Today Ms. Drake wanted us to write a paragraph on we thought love was and then we had to read it to the class. She said the best ones would be read in front of the school on Friday when we have our assembly. Adaley signed excitedly and Harry nodded.

Can I read your paragraph? Harry asked and Adaley shook her head.

I want to read it to you guys so I can practice. Adaley told him and rummaged around in her bag for the paper. Harry cocked an eyebrow and wondered why she had to practice.

"Why do you have to practice?" Harry asked and Adaley smiled, setting the paper down and looking up at her parents as Connor sat across from her.

Because I was one of the ones chosen to read it in front of the school. Bradley, a boy named Corey, a girl named Tiana, and I were chosen. Adaley explained and Harry filled with pride. Adaley looked down at the paper and smiled softly at what she had written. Love isn't what you give to people or what they give to you. Love is shown in some of the simplest ways. My daddy shows me love when he makes my favourite chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, when he cuddles with me when I feel sad about my mommy, when he kisses my head and tells me how much I look like my mommy, and when he tucks me in and reads me a story. My papa shows me love when he holds me when I've had a nightmare, when he plays soccer with me in the backyard, when he plays dress-up with me and dresses like a princess even though I know he hates it, and when he sings to me when he does my hair. My dog Elsa shows me love when she gets protective over me and when she cuddles me when I'm falling asleep. My new brother Connor shows me love when he lets me paint his nails pink or plays dolls with me. He might not be able to tell me that he loves me but I know in his actions. He's such a wonderful big brother and I really hope my daddies decide to adopt him. I love him so much and I know that he's a warrior. He's my warrior and I hope he knows how much Daddy, Papa, and I love him. My uncle Liam shows me love when he helps me with my homework and when he takes me on little adventures. My uncle Niall shows me love every time he teaches me how to play guitar and when he plays soccer with Papa and I in the backyard, even though I kick his butt every time. My uncle Zayn shows me love when he takes me over to his and Aunt Ali's house and lets me help them decorate the new baby's room and when he dances around the living room with me as we sing Disney princess songs at the top of our lungs. Love isn't just shown by your family though. My violin teacher has shown me love through music, my teacher Ms. Drake has shown me love by helping me with homework or telling me I've done a good job, and my daddies' fans have shown me love through all their kindness on social media and in person. My daddy and my papa are some of the most loving people I know. They didn't have to take me in when my mommy died but they did. I may not be their biological child but I feel like I am. They have so much love for not only their family but their fans as well. They talk about their fans at home like they're family which they are. I've seen some of the stuff they've sent to my fathers and it's so loving and supportive. They have spread their love even more when they decided to take Connor in. They show him so much love and it's beautiful. Teachers show love to their students every day when they clock in. For so many teachers teaching is more than a job; it's a passion and a love. Love is a beautiful thing when it's shown correctly. I love my daddy, my papa, my Elsa, and my brother so much and I couldn't ask for a better family. She finished and Connor had tears in his eyes. He jumped up and ran from the room without explanation. He ran to his room and shut the door quite loudly. Adaley looked after him and she frowned, thinking she had said something wrong.

"That was beautiful." Harry said softly and Adaley turned to him with tears in her eyes.

"Did I upset him? If I did then I'll back out of reading it in front of the school. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable and leave us." Adaley said as her bottom lip quivered. Harry shook his head and kneeled in front of her.

"I don't think it's something you said." Harry said softly and gently hugged her to his chest.

"I'll talk to him" Louis said and walked up the stairs. He poked his head into Connor's room and saw the boy holding a picture in his hands and his shoulders were shaking slightly, giving him the impression that Connor was crying. Louis walked in and sat down next to him, looking over at the picture. Connor jumped slightly and looked up to see Louis. He quickly laid the picture face down and wiped his eyes.

Hey Louis. Connor signed and gave him a half smile. Sorry I ran off. I wanted to get started on homework. I liked her paragraph. It was so well written for such a young girl. Connor signed and Louis gave him a look, instantly seeing through his lie.

I know you didn't want to get started on your homework. What's wrong? Louis asked and Connor's shoulders sagged. He didn't want to talk about his past but he knew he should.

Adaley reminds me of my little sister and it hurts seeing her sign about how much she loved me. Connor signed sadly.

What happened to your sister? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Louis asked and he saw pain flash through Connor's eyes.

She and my mom were killed three years ago. Her name was Emily Joseph and she was only six. Connor signed with shaking hands and Louis frowned.

How were they killed? Louis asked and Connor flinched slightly as memories filled his head.

My father killed them.

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