Chapter Sixteen

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Connor decided to spend the rest of his weekend with his family so they could what to do about the news of Simon's release from prison. Connor was absentmindedly sketching as he sat in one of the pool side loungers and Adaley was playing with Elsa in the yard. Louis and Harry were sitting at the table inside their enclosed porch discussing plans for their wedding. Harry gently laid his hand on Louis and smiled softly.

"So we're agreed that we want the wedding in two months? We'll have the wedding after we official adopt Connor and get everything planned and invitations sent out?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, smiling at the boy. He couldn't believe that the next day they were going to go to the agency and file the paperwork to officially make Connor their legal child. They hadn't told Connor yet because they wanted it to be a surprise.

"Hey babe." Louis said softly with his eyes still trained on Connor. Harry hummed in response as he flipped through a book filled with venues for their reception. "What do you think about Connor being able to hear again?" he asked and Harry's head snapped up and he looked at his fiancé with wide eyes.

"What brought this up?" Harry asked and Louis shrugged slightly, smiling at his lover.

"I've been doing some research during my free time between meetings. There's a doctor in New York who specializes in hearing loss and I sent him an email." Louis said carefully and Harry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What did he say?" Harry asked slowly and Louis smiled slightly.

"He wants to meet Connor and see what he can do to help him." Louis said softly and Harry's eyes lit up.

"Really? Did he say when?" Harry asked excitedly and Louis chuckled, nodding slightly.

"He said he's free on Friday if we'd like to come. He's got meeting in LA but he'll be back Thursday. I was thinking that tonight we could discuss it with Connor when he tell him that we're adopting him tomorrow." Louis explained and Harry nodded, doing a small happy dance in his sleep which made Louis laugh loudly. Harry couldn't believe that not only was he marrying his best friend soon but he soon to be son might be able to hear again.

"Should we ask Connor if he wants to invite anyone to dinner tonight since Adaley is having Emery over?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, standing up. He walked out to Connor and gently touched the boy's shoulder, making him jump slightly. Connor looked up and smiled when he saw that it was just Louis, setting his sketch book down on the table beside him.

What's up? Connor asked and Louis smiled, running a hand through his hair.

Haz and I were wondering if you'd like to invite anyone over to dinner tonight. Adaley invited Emery and we were thinking that you could invite Troy. Louis suggested and Connor nodded, smiling brightly up and Louis.

I'll send him a text when I get up to my room. Thanks! Connor signed happily and watched as Louis walked back to Harry. On the outside he was happy but on the inside he was freaking out. He had yet to tell his family that Troy was officially his boyfriend. The only person that knew, as far as he knew, was Bethany and Tayler, who called herself his best friend. He didn't mind it though. He had quickly bonded with her over music, YouTubers, and their choice of clothing. She was the one he'd turn to whenever something was going amiss in his life. He grabbed his sketch pad and escaped to his room, grabbing a cookie on the way. He happily munched on it while he sent Troy a text.

Hey. Dad and Papa said I could bring someone to dinner and I was wondering if you'd like to come. He didn't have to wait long before Troy responded.

Of course. Have you told them about us yet? I hope you don't mind but I told Alice and Liam. I made them promise not to tell anyone until you were comfortable with it. Troy had sent and Connor smiled slightly.

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