Chapter Three

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Harry pulled open the door and there on their doorstep stood Susan, the woman from the agency, and Conner, their foster son.

"Come in!" Harry said happily and Louis moved to show the two of them to the kitchen. Harry and Louis sat on one side while Susan and Connor sat on the other.

"It's good to see you two again. How is Adaley doing?" She asked and Harry smiled softly.

"She's doing wonderful. She's currently on the way to her violin lesson." Harry mentioned and Susan nodded, smiling at him. Susan looked over at Connor and roughly nudged him.

"Say hi." She snapped and Connor nodded, waving hesitantly at Harry and Louis. Louis smiled warmly.

It's good to see you again, Connor. How are you? Louis signed and Connor smiled, signing back rapidly that he was doing okay. Connor looked over at Harry and nervously swallowed.

"H-hi." Connor forced out and Harry smiled.

Hello Connor. I'm Harry, Louis' fiancé. It's wonderful to meet you. Harry signed and Connor looked at Harry in shock.

"I-I thought y-you did-didn't know si-sign lan-language." Connor stuttered and Harry smiled kindly.

I didn't but as soon as we decided to foster you Adaley and I went out to learn sign language so everything is easier for you. Harry explained and Connor nodded, smiling down at the table. Susan cleared her throat and Harry looked back up at her, internally cringing at her sickeningly sweet smile.

"I have some papers that you'll have to sign before it can be official." Susan said, pushing some papers towards Harry and Louis. "I just want to make sure that you want to adopt Connor James Painter even with his history." She said in an ominous tone and Harry gave her a funny look.

"History?" Harry asked with a small frown as he glanced at Connor out of the corner of his eye. Susan nodded and she went from a bright fake smile to an almost devious look.

"He has a history of violence. He's been in fights at school and even his hit father on several occasions." Susan whispered, acting like Connor could hear her. Connor's face fell because he knew exactly what she was telling them. It was the same thing she'd told every other family who was interested in adopting him or becoming his foster parents. He waited for Harry and Louis to ask them to leave and he was stunned when he looked over to see the paperwork had both of their signatures on it. He looked up and saw Harry smiling at him warmly.

"Whatever comes our way from his supposed violent history will be our responsibility to deal with as a family should the problem arise. Now, thank you for bringing Connor here and making sure everything is squared away. Goodbye Susan." Harry said, showing her to the door. Connor looked over at Louis and smiled shyly at one of his new foster dads. He was positive that his appearance would scare Louis and Harry away from him.

We're so glad to have you here, Connor. Our daughter will be home around three thirty. Would you like a tour of our house? Louis asked and Connor raised an eyebrow.

Daughter? Susan didn't say that you had a daughter. Connor signed in confusion and he saw Louis' shoulder shake slightly, he guessed the older man was laughing.

We do. She's a spunky and brilliant six year old. Louis told the boy with a fond smile on his face. He pulled out his phone and showed Connor a picture someone had taken of Harry, Louis, and Adaley while they were still in London for Harry and Adaley's birthday party. Connor smiled softly at the picture, fingertips lightly grazing over the phone screen. He couldn't help but notice the likeness that the little girl had to his own sister. Connor shook those thoughts from his head and he looked back up at Louis.

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