Chapter Seven

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My father killed them.

Louis gasped. He couldn't believe that Connor's father had murdered his little sister and his mother. His heart broke as he thought of his mother and siblings being killed.

What happened? Louis asked and Connor sighed heavily.

My father was a drunk and he was abusive. I'd take the beatings for my sister and mom when I was home but he'd get to them when I didn't get home in time. He used to box my ears whenever I didn't listen to him or if I yelled at him when he'd hit my sister; that's when I started to lose my hearing. I think he also did drugs but I didn't have proof. I tried to report him to the police but he was always able to sweet talk his way out of it and he used to use my fights at school as a reason why I was lying. I used to get into a lot of fights at school because the other guys in my grade made fun of my severe stutter. One day he was drunk and we were all home. He grabbed his handgun that he had in the cabinet in the living room and started to wave it at my mom. He was screaming that she was cheating on him and making him look like an ass to all his friends because she was pulling one over on him. She was telling him that she loved only him and she was begging him to put the gun down. My sister walked out of her room and screamed and that's what made me walk out but I was too late. He shot my sister in the chest because she was making too much noise and giving him a headache. I rushed to my sister's dying body and my mom started to scream about her child. I tried to get my mom to stop screaming so my dad wouldn't shoot her but she didn't listen. I heard the police sirens but my dad didn't seem to care. He shot my mom in the head and then turned to me. I was covered in my sister's blood but I didn't care. I wanted him to shoot me so I could join my mom and sister in heaven. My dad shot me but then the police broke in. I grabbed the picture of my mom and sister and the last thing I saw before I passed out was the police putting bullets into my father. By this time Connor had tears running down his cheeks. When I woke up I was in the hospital with the picture of my mom and sister next to me. I couldn't hear and the doctors explained that the bullet caused permeant hearing loss. Since that day I've been in and out of foster care. Connor finished up his story and looked up at Louis who had tears rolling down his face.

You're incredibly strong and I'm so happy that Harry and I reached a decision today while you were at school. Louis signed and gave Connor a half smile. Connor gave Louis a look of confusion. Had they decide to send him back into foster care? Had he been that bad already?

What did you decide? Connor asked nervously and Louis smiled at him.

We decide that we want to adopt you. As soon as possible we're going to call Susan back and make you officially part of our little family. Louis signed and Connor's jaw dropped. They wanted him!? No one had wanted him to stay around since his sister and mother. He was finally being adopted and he couldn't believe it. He did the only thing he thought logical. He lunged forward and hugged Louis tightly, crying into Louis' neck.

­"Th-thank yo-you." Connor cried and Louis hugged him back, holding him tightly. He was so happy that Connor was going to be part of their family. Connor pulled back and wiped furiously at his eyes.

Also, we want you to be part of our wedding. You'll be one of my groomsmen. Louis informed him and Connor's jaw dropped. He was getting such amazing news and he wasn't sure how he was going to cope with it all. And you can invite your best friend if you'd like. We'd love to have someone you're close to there.

Thank you so much, Louis! Connor thanked him and ran downstairs. He came flying into the kitchen and ran up to Harry. Harry gave him a funny look until Connor nearly jumped on him, wrapping his lanky arms around Harry's neck tightly. Harry slowly wrapped his arms around Connor's middle and hugged him back, giving his fiancé a strange look.

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