Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Later on that night Harry, Louis, Troy, Connor, Adaley, and Emery were all at the table and eating their usual pizza. Conversations were flowing effortlessly and it seemed like nothing was wrong in their lives. Troy was teasing Adaley and Emery about catching them holding hands and Harry and Louis were talking to Connor about what he was planning on doing after high school.

"I plan on going to school to be a social worker to help kids that have gone through the same things I've gone through." Connor said with a smile. "I'm gonna keep up on my artwork of course but helping people is my biggest passion is helping other people. Like the two of you." He said softly and Harry and Louis smiled fondly at each other and at their son. They were so proud of the man that he was becoming. The difference between the boy they adopted and the one sitting in front of them was astounding. Harry noticed when the last person finished eating and he smiled.

"Since Troy hasn't taken part in one of our infamous game nights I'll let him in on what we do." Harry said as he started to pick up the plates. "The kids and our guests pick the game while Louis and I clean up from dinner. It's the one night we let the kids off from their chores. Now you guys go pick a game and Lou and I will be in there soon." He said and Emery dragged Connor away while Adaley dragged Troy away. Harry laughed and stood up, starting to clear away the dishes while Louis gathered up their trash. Harry began to wash the dishes and soon Louis was beside him to dry and put them away.

"Can you believe it?" Louis asked softly and Harry raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the corner of his eye.

"Believe what, babe?" Harry asked in confusion as he handed a plate over to Louis.

"That this time last year we couldn't even look at each other. We weren't allowed in the same room and you were with Katie and I was supposed to be with Briana or Danielle. I lost track." Louis said with a soft laugh and Harry nodded with a half-smile. "Now look at us, Haz. We have two kids and we're getting married. We're a proper family. We went from puppets to real men. We have a beautiful little girl who's so incredibly intelligent and a handsome son who's overcome so much and still has a lot of love to give the world that turned its back on him. It's just amazing to me all that we've accomplished in a year. I never truly believed that I would make it here. I thought we were forever going to be under Modest!'s thumb." He said softly and smiled down at his hands. "I finally believe in the happily ever after that my mum used to tell me about when I was younger." He whispered and looked up at Harry who was looking at him with tear filled eyes. "And I get to spend forever with my best friend." He murmured and Harry sat the plate he was washing down and dried off his hands, turning to face Louis.

"I love you." Harry whispered and leaned down, pressing his lips sweetly against Louis'. Louis' arms wrapped around Harry's neck and held his lover as close as he possibly could. Nothing mattered more to him than his family and the man standing in front of him. Their sweet moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Hate to break up the sweet moment but we picked a game and it's all set up. You two coming or should we start without you?" Connor asked playfully and Harry groaned, playfully glared at Connor.

"Why'd you have to kill the moment?" Harry whined and Louis laughed, playfully swatting Harry's chest.

"C'mon babe. We have a game we have to kick their butts at." Louis said as he gave Connor a challenging smile which made the boy laugh, rolling his eyes in a joking manner. Harry and Louis abandoned washing the dishes to join the children in the living room. The kids had all agreed to play the game of Life which gave them all a fair chance to win.

"Daddy, we left the green car for you and Papa gets the blue car." Adaley said, gesturing to the cars that were left sitting on the coffee table. She knew about the fans' obsession with green and blue which is what caused her to give them those colours. Harry laughed and winked at Louis who blushed slightly. They all sat in a circle around the coffee table and began to play.

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