Chapter Twenty-Five

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(Hi folks. I'm so sorry about the long wait. I've been going through a lot and I haven't had the drive to write. I wrote a semi long chapter to make up for it. I love all of you to the moon and back again times 20. Enjoy. -S)

Harry awoke early the next morning and moved to get out of bed, giggling when he heard Louis groan and mutter a few choice words. He yawned softly and trudged down the stairs, ruffling up his short hair. He had to admit that he really missed his long hair but having short hair was nice change. He walked into the kitchen and flicked on the lights, jumping slightly when he saw Connor sitting at the kitchen table.

"What are you doing up at five in the morning?" Harry asked and Connor gave him a half smile.

"Couldn't sleep honestly." Connor mumbled and looked back down at the table, lightly tracing at the grains in the hardwood of the table.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, sitting across from Connor. Connor sighed heavily and looked up at Harry, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.

"I got a text from Troy around one. He said he wanted to talk after we get done working on the song today. I'm so scared, Dad. What if he breaks up with me? I can't lose another person." Connor rambled out and Harry frowned, wondering what the hell Troy would need to talk to Connor about. It sounded serious.

"Don't overthink it, Connor. He might just want to talk about the video or school or plans after high school. If you stress yourself out over this then you'll make yourself sick. Just take a deep breath and keep yourself occupied until the actual talk." Harry advised him and Connor nodded, sniffling slightly.

"I-I'll try." Connor stuttered and wiped his eyes. "What are you doing up?" he asked and Harry chuckled softly.

"I'm up to make breakfast for everyone that's coming over for the video. I don't want everyone to go hungry and I don't trust Louis near the stove." Harry explained and Connor laughed softly.

"Do you want any help?" Connor asked and Harry smiled softly.

"I would love some help. I'm just making some pancakes, eggs, and I was thinking some bacon. If you want you can work on the eggs and bacon while I work on the pancakes." Harry suggested and Connor nodded. The pair got to work and everything was silent until Connor started to softly sing under his breath. Harry caught onto the song and started to sing along with him. Soon they were both singing at the top of their lungs and dancing around the kitchen. Little did the pair know but Louis and Adaley were both standing in the entryway of the kitchen as they recorded the comical and adorable scene before them. Soon Connor turned around and stopped, playfully glaring at Louis and his little sister.

"Papa! Monkey! Why didn't you tell us you were standing there?" Connor whined, pouting slightly. Adaley laughed and ran up to Connor, hugging him around the waist.

"You and Daddy were so funny Bubby!" Adaley told him and Connor playfully rolled his eyes.

"What are you two up to?" Louis asked, walking over to Harry and kissing his cheek. Harry smiled softly down at Louis.

"We're just making breakfast. Do you two want to help?" Harry asked and Connor gasped.

"I thought you didn't trust Papa near the stove!" Connor said and Harry's eyes got wide when Louis playfully glared at him.

"You don't trust me near the stove, Harold?" Louis asked and both Connor and Adaley let out a chorus of 'OH's'. Harry smirked and shook his head.

"Nope." Harry said, popping the 'p'.

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