FOB - Pete Wentz

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Pet Shelter


"Hello, little ones."

You open the pen in the pet shelter you volunteer at and are immediately swamped by twelve overly excited puppies. They jump all over you as you attempt to put their food down without spilling any. You can't help but internally awe at their cuteness, people who said they didn't like puppies were crazy.

"They're cute little things aren't they?"

You look up from the puppies and into the eyes of Pete Wentz who leans casually against the side of the pen smiling.

"Yeah they are, do you have any dogs?"

He shakes his head and motions at the tiny labradoodle chewing your shoelaces. You blush and scoop the little ball of fluff up before standing up.

"Today's your lucky day, choose one."

"No...I couldn't...I do a lot of travelling with my band."

He tries to push you away as you edge closer towards him with the puppy and pout.

"But Pete he just wants you to say hello to him."

The puppy squirms in your arms and Pete sighs in defeat. He plucks the tiny puppy from your hands and starts to play with him. Your inner fangirl was screaming at the cuteness of the two of them.

"Hi little guy I'm Pete and you're just the cutest bundle of fluff I've ever seen."

"See Pete you're a natural. I adopted one a month ago and he's really well behaved. I called him Rex.

Pete smiles and cradles the puppy like a baby.

"You must really like your job...err..."

"y/n, and yes I do. I love seeing puppies get a second chance because all these guys were rescued from bad homes and had to be nursed back to health."

Pete's smile turned into a frown.

"But they're so tiny, why would anyone want to hurt them?"

You shrug your shoulders and scratch behind the puppy's ear.

"I don't know Pete. You could give him a great home; you can plan around a dog."

And suddenly as if a light bulb had gone off above his head Pete's frown went past the smiling stage and into a knowing smirk.

"If I was to adopt this little guy y/n, would you and your puppy go on a puppy date with us? I mean because the two dogs are friends and I'd hate to separate them..."

You can't help but laugh as Pete gets flustered over his idea to ask you out through a puppy play date.

"I would...I mean we would love to go on a puppy date with you Pete?"

Pete visibly relaxed and as if he was agreeing with his new owner the puppy yapped earning him a not so subtle paw high five. Pete turns to you with a huge grin on his face, he seemed very excited more so than the puppies at your feet.

"How about tomorrow y/n at mine?"

You nod.

"Tomorrows great Pete."

~2 Months Later~

"Let's say goodbye to daddy guys."

You scoop up Rex under one arm and Ralph in the other and walk out of the bedroom you share with Pete and make your way to the lounge where Pete was packing last minute for the upcoming tour. The second his eyes land on the three of you, they light up and he walks over to you.

"There's my girl and my two special guys. I'm going to miss you all so much."

He kisses you on the lips and then both of the dogs who lick him back. When you agreed to a puppy date you never expected Pete to ask you to be his girlfriend a month later, and then another month later to ask you and Rex to move in with him and Ralph. You loved Pete and he loved you and now he had a glorified dog sitter who also happened to be his girlfriend.

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