The Orb

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A light shone in my eyes. I open them slowly so my eyes can adjust to the light. I was floating in a endless black obis. In front of me a floating white orb, the size of giants skull, shone a bright light. I feel curiosity come over me as I reach out to touch it.

" Hello my child" said an angelic voice that came from the orb. I pull my arm back in fright. " Don't be scared my child I have no intentions of harming you" said the Orb. " I've brought you here because you are the next descendant of the White Queen." I looked at the Orb confused.

" I don't understand" I admit." Who am I?"

" You are Astaya the Queen of White. You have something in you that makes you who you are" explained the Orb. "You, like all of the Queens of White, have a mission to uphold. Astaya you are the one to bring together the Seven Kings. The rulers of the current century. The Queens before you all have failed because they didn't have what you have."

" What is that?" I ask.

The Orb sighed. " I wish I could tell you, ibut I'm prohibited to interfere with your future. You'll find out eventually" stated the Orb." You must complete this task before the hidden evil rises. The evil is trying to prevent the Seven Kings from combining so that the world will go into chaos. The Kings are fighting each other. You are going to be the salvation they are looking for. The evil is known as the Colourless King. All the Kings have a colour and a meaning they represent. These meanings is everything that is needed in a team. They must become a team and agree with each other so that theses nations will be united." I look at the Orb and nod.

" I understand" I said." But how do I get there? I don't see a way out."

" I will let you out after I get you some suitable cloths," said the Orb. I look down at my cloths. All I wore was a long white dress with no shoes. The dress started to glow. I feel sleeves form around my arms and the dress get tighter around my waist. The length of the dress got shorter till it reached halfway down my thighs. A leathery substance surrounded my feet and legs up to my knees. When the light dimmed a mirror appeared in front of me. I was shocked at what I saw. I wore a dress with long sleeves. Around my wrists were brown bands that held the sleeves in place. The ends of the sleeves looked like pedals. The dress was yellow and the sleeves were white with yellow trimmings. Over the dress was a white vest that had ends hanging over my shoulder with yellow trimmings. The back of the vest split into two tails that also had yellow trimmings. The vest was buttoned up covering half of the dress underneath. Around my waist was a brown belt that matched my knee high brown boots. The mirror disappeared as a brown one strapped bag appeared in its place.

" This bag is very special, Astaya. It is a bottomless bag and it doesn't gain any weight. Inside is a great amount of money so you can can buy what ever you need" explained the Orb." There is one last item you'll need. In your past you were quite skilled with a katana, so I'll give you this katana." A katana with a yellow handle, two strings with beads and feathers dangling from the handle appeared in the air in front of me. It had a yellow case that had strings of beads on it.

" Be aware Astaya when you pull the sword from its case the power that belongs only to you will be unleashed and then you'll be seen by any magic users, even the Colourless King" said the Orb." When the sword isn't drawn your power will be hidden from even the strongest seers. Now, are you ready to begin your quest?" I nod." Alright Queen of White I'll see you in another life" said the Orb. My body began to glow as my body slowly disappeared starting from my feet. When it got to my neck I closed my eyes as the last of me disappeared.

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