Griffin's Awakening

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"Liam is dead," I repeated out loud. I hear someone laugh hysterically. I look over my shoulder to see Dante almost falling over with laughter. I was to sad to glare at him.

"It's so pathetic that it's funny," Dante said threw his uncontrollable emotions. I ignored Dante and looked back at Liam.

"I lost Garth to you, and now Liam," I said to Dante not bothering to look at him. "What will you take from me next?"

"Huh?" Dante said. "You aren't acting like you usually do. Did I break you spirit? Heh, what an achievement. I did this in less then and hour. That's got to be a record."

"I don't care anymore," I said. "You didn't break my spirit, I'm just tired of giving you a reaction."

"Oh common Astaya," Dante whined. "This isn't any fun." I lay Liam back onto the ground. His pale skin shone with the moon light. It reminded me when Lassie died. But she came back. Liam was there with me to support me, but now he's the one that's dead. A sudden wave of realization crashed into me. When I brought Lassie back, I didn't have the magic of my sword. Determination was all I could feel. I can do it. I take Liam's cold hand in mine. Please! I need you Liam!

"Common!..I can do this..." I said concentrating. I small light tried to leak into my eyelids. The light kept growing and growing. Liam's veins were glowing white like Lassie's did. When all his veins were glowing white, his closed eyes started to glow too. The light shot back into Liam's heart. Liam's eyes weakly opened.

"Astaya?.." Liam questioned. "What happened?"

"LIAM!" I yelled as I hugged him. "It worked!" Light was brought back to my broken soul.

"No! NO! This can't be happening!" Dante yelled. I turn to look at him. He had my sword in his hand. My sword was glowing from a crack in the blade. "If this continues she'll realize her true potential. I can't let that happen," Dante said. He raised his hand to Liam and I. "I'll just have to turn her now."

"But the proses isn't complete Dante. It won't work," Luther said, butting into the conversation.

"SHUT UP! I know what I'm doing!" Dante yelled. Dante started to generate magical energy into the palm of his hand. It grew bigger by every passing second. It was like a giant dark purple orb ready to explode. Both Liam and I were to weak to move. I turn back to Liam. He wore a calm expression.

"How are you calm. This could kill us both," I said.

"Well let's just say that when you've known someone for so long, you pick up on their tricks," Liam said. Confusion was written all over my face. What was Liam saying? I brush off Liam's riddle and looked back at Dante. I had a question that I was meaning to ask him.

"Dante, are you worried I'm getting stronger?" I asked. Dante's head shot towards me. He was shaking with rage.

"YOU! Stronger then me?! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! No ones stronger then me!" Dante yelled.

"Then why were you shaking when I used magic without my sword and when a crack formed on my blade?" I asked. Dante grew even more angry with my sassy remark. He was all out of things to yell back at me.

"WHATEVER! You'll be the one cowering in fear of me when this spell takes over your existence!" Dante yelled. Dante closed his eyes. When he had gathered his anger, he opened his eyes. "The Angel of Darkness, she will become. With this magic spell, her pure heart will be darkened. She will be at my side, as my Queen. Destroy the light, bring back the dark," Dante chanted. The magic in his hand repeated back the words in a low voice. Dante said the words once more along with the voice coming from the magic in his hand. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for Dante's attack. By the chant it seemed that the spell was only going to effect me, so Liam will be fine. When Dante released his spell, I tenced up and closed my eyes. My heart was pounding. I guess this is where I die. My journey ends here. With the thought of death lingering in my head I didn't realize there was a figure hurtling towards the ground.

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