Astaya VS Alic

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I'm walking up the windy staircase to the tower. Looking out the window, I notice how high I am. I could see everything, from the castle, to the city and to the cliff side of the mountain. It was beautiful. I neared the top of the stairs. My legs felt like they were on fire.

When I finally reached the top, I was out of breath. I stood in front of a big wooden door. The door creaked open when I pushed on it. The door slowly revealed a incredibly big room. I thought the room was going to be smaller considering the tight staircase. The walls were painted in murals. I drop my bag on the ground and looked closely at the murals.

At the top of the wall was a woman in White. She had a great amount of what looked like power around her. Below her were many more women in white. The line ended with a girl that had gold in her hair and angel wings. She had more magical power flowing from her then the one at the top. "Is this the Queen that will end the cycle?" I asked talking to myself. "But who's the one at the top?"

After pondering the meaning of the mural, I turn to the rest of the room. There were two beds, one with white sheets and one with pink. There were two wardrobes, one beside the pink bed and the other beside the white bed. I noticed a balcony. I make my way towards the balcony as I hear footsteps enter the room. I turn my head to see Lassie with her mouth wide open.

"Wow! Whoever painted these walls knows what they are doing," Lassie said in awe. I smiled.

"Yeah I know right?" I said. Lassie gave me her classic smile.

"This Castle is so cool! It gets better and better," Lassie said. She notices the mural with the ladies in white. "Whoa who are they?"

"I think they are the Queens before me," I explain. "But I don't know who the woman at the top is."

"Maybe she's the first," Lassie said. I never thought of that.

"Maybe," I said. Lassie scans the room.

"I call the pink bed!" She yells. I smirk at her. I didn't know she liked pink. She noticed me smirking and nervously smiled. "I uh...wasn't going to fight with you over the white bed. That's your colour."

"Oh sure," I said with sarcasm clearly in my voice. Rubbing her neck nervously, she changed the subject.

"So are you going to go against Alic in a archer competition?"

"I guess so. I just hope it doesn't tear us apart," I said.

"Astaya... Poor innocent Astaya. Nothing can break a bond between a Queen and her comrades, not even a competition," Lassie said. "You still have to fight Griffin too." A drop of sweat trickles down my face.

"Oh yeah...I nearly forgot. I've got to stop challenging people," I said slouching.

"Hey cheer up. You could use this time to prepare. You have some spell books you got from Rebecca, why not use some new spells," Lassie said.

"That's a great idea! I'm going to do that right now," I said full of excitement. I run over to my bag, grabbed still running, and jumped onto the white bed pulling out a spell book.

~Time Skip~

I just finished reading the spell book and practicing a few that will help me in the future. I drop the book on the bed. It was nice to get sometime to myself. But now I had a archery competition to win. Grabbing my bow and arrows, I scurried out of the tower.

I found my way to the courtyard. It was actually pretty easy considering that there were so many windows to look out of. I spotted it as soon as I looked outside. Alic was already practicing. Griffin and Liam were placing their bets. Lassie stood waiting for the competition to begin. She had left the tower shortly after I began reading. She looked overly bored. When she finally spotted me, her behaviour perked up.

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