The Nature's Ball

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A few hours have passed since the thing with Griffin happened. Rebecca had finally finished me make up. Lassie has slowly but steadily made a comeback from her grief of her mothers passing. Rebecca had helped Lassie find a nice ball gown to wear. Rebecca is also dressed for the ball. Lassie wore a big green ball gown with her light brown hair was up in a fancy bun. Rebecca wore a long dark green dress with flowers weaved in and out of her hair.
My hair was the way it always is, with its natural curls.

"So are we all ready for the ball?" Lassie asks.

"No one of us is missing one thing," Rebecca points out.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You are a Queen, and we are going to a ball. What does a Queen usually wear?" Rebecca asks. I shrug.

"She wears a crown," Lassie says.

"But... I think my crown is in my bag. And that's in my room which is across from this half of the castle," I explained.

"Yes but it's not in your room," Rebecca said. She pulls out my crown from her dresser drawer.

"Wait where did you get that?" I ask.

"Alic gave it to me because he knew I was going to get you ready for the ball," Rebecca explained. I smile.

"Huh...I really should look after my stuff, shouldn't I?" I said. "Wait don't I need my sword? What if something happens?"

"Nothing's going to happen Astaya. The ball is heavily guarded. No one has ever made it past the guards," Lassie said. "Well that's what I've heard from history books of the past Celebrations."

"Yeah, there's no way anything is going to happen. If anything does I have more then just healing abilities and Lassie has her daggers," Rebecca reassured me. "Just enjoy yourself. This ball only comes around once every century." I nod.

"Yeah you're right. I should just let everything go and have fun," I said.

"That's the spirit," Lassie said as Rebecca crowns me.

"I crown you queen of the ball," Rebacca jokes. "Now let's take you to your kings." We all laugh as we leave the room.

~Time Skip~

Rebecca, Lassie and I stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for my grand entrance.

"So do you understand what you have to do?" Lassie asks.

"Yes, when Alic finishes the intro, I walk down the stairs to meet him. We've gone over this like a million times," I said.

"I know I just don't want you to get stage fright and forget what you are suppose to do," Lassie said.

"She'll be fine, Lassie. She's the queen of white, she knows what she's doing," Rebecca says. "We should get down there before Alic starts." Lassie nods agreeing with Rebecca's statement.

"You can do it Astaya," Lassie said starting down the stairs.

"Thank you, although I think I can handle some stairs," I said giving her a goofy look. She smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry, I don't want my best friend to embarrass herself," Lassie said.

"No worries, I'll be fine," I said. "But thanks for seeing me as a girl with a lack of independence." Lassie gives me a big smile. When Lassie joined the party, Rebecca looks at me.

"You two really are something. I've never seen this kind if bond between two people since the last white queen and her friend," Rebecca said. "Could you two be-? that's not possible. Well I should be getting to the party." Rebecca waved goodbye as she makes her way down the stairs. What did she mean by that. Is there something she's not telling me. I decided to ask her later.

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