The Green Kingdom

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I was held by strong arms. My eyes open slowly to meet green eyes. The eyes were owned by a very concerned face. My eyes felt heavy. The owner of the green eyes was talking, but the constant ringing in my ears prevented me from hearing him. My ears adjusted after a while.

"Can you hear me?" Asked Alic. I nod weakly. Alic lets out a sigh of relief. He gives me a relieved smile. Alic gave me a hug." Thank you Astaya. For saving my life as well as Lassie's. I owe you" he said. I pull away from the hug shaking my head.

"You don't owe me anything. You helped me control my Heavenly Sword as well as the madness" I said.

"I don't think that was just regular madness. I think it was forced. Like someone had used your vulnerability to their advantage" Alic said while helping me sit up. We were on the back of Jade the Phoenix. Liam was showing Jade the way. I noticed that Garth and Griffin weren't on the flying Jade.

"Where's Griffin and Garth?" I ask.

"They are on the ground with Lassie getting their wounds all patched up, while we are taking you to the green kingdom to treat your bad injuries. It's a miracle that you are still alive" Alic said." Well you are the Queen of White so I shouldn't be surprised." I smile.

"So how bad are my injuries?" I ask. I couldn't feel anything other then my head.

"Well your belly had been torn open, you have a few cuts and bruises, some internal bleeding, and your cut hand" Alic said." I noticed it when you passed out." I nod hiding my surprise. How am I not dead?

"What about you Alic? I'm sure you have at least on injury" I said.

"Yeah I have a few broken ribs from the impact of that knock back we experienced. I took all the pressure but you took the hit. So we both got a horrible amount of pain" Alic said. I nod in agreement." Your cloths got pretty torn up" Alic points out. I look down at my cloths. It was torn at my belly where I was struck with Aaron's power.

"Yeah it really is" I agreed." I really liked this outfit too." I sigh.

"I can get someone to fix it" Alic suggested." Only if you want me to." My eyes beamed with joy.

"That would be awesome thanks" I said smiling big. Alic looks at me with a smile. He chuckles slightly.

"What the lady wants the lady gets" Alic said." When we get back I'll get them all fixed up for ya." I smile.

"Thank you, Alic" I said. He just smiled at me.

"You're very welcome m'lady" Alic said bowing his head. Alic brings his head back up and turns to the horizon. "Astaya may I ask you something?" Alic asks. I look at him.

"Of course you can" I said." I'm open for questioning."

"Alright, so when you were captured by Aaron. What did he ask you to do for him?" Alic asks looking me dead in the eyes.

"He After he told me he was the Green King, he asked me if I'd help him rescue his friend from another slave trader" I explain." Why do you ask?"

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just trying to figure out what Aaron may be up to. He's a hard one to figure out" Alic said.
I nod in agreement.

"So...what are we gonna do when we get to the Green Kingdom?" I ask,

"First we are going to help your injuries as well as mine, then after that I would like to show you the forest near the castle" Alic said answering my question.

"Okay, I'd love to see the wild life" I said excited. Alic grins.

"I'm glad. I am really fond of my kingdom. Even if others don't share my likes" Alic said. I smile at Alic as I realize Liam looked troubled. He was stiff like a rock. He held jades reins tightly. I watch as he pulls his hood over his head.

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