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"Let's go Dante!"

I charge at Dante. He was taken aback at my sudden movement. I launched myself into the air. As I hurtled towards Dante, he struggled to pull out his sword. Just in the nick of time, Dante was able to block my blade with his sword. My face was dripping in anger. The auras around Dante and I were battling each other. Dante smirked while looking into my eyes.

"I see the dark magic is finally taking affect. I wonder how long you'll last with it in your system?" Dante said. "I can tell its in you blood stream. Now all I need to wait for is for it to get to your soul."

"Stop toying with me!" I yell. "You have no power over me!"

"Oh, on the contrary, I have loads of power over you," Dante said. Dante pulled out a knife with his free hand. Dante threw his knife my way attempting to do a cut and thrust. I managed to dodge him. With a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to see Griffin. He picked me up by my hair as my sword fell from my hands, I cry out with pain.

"Griffin! Stop please!" I shout.

"Stop acting like you own me Astaya. I don't care about you anymore," Griffin said as if he were incapable of emotions. Griffin flapped his powerful wings, dragging me behind him as he grew farther away from the ground. The pain grew. I let out a blood curtailing scream.

"Astaya!" Lassie screamed out as she screamed in agony as well. I griped onto Griffin's strong arm, trying to lift myself up a bit to stop the ripping of my hair from my scalp.

"Griffin please!" I yelled. Griffin lifted me up so I could look into his eyes. Behind all the hatred in his eyes, I could see a hint of sorrow. It's like his eyes pleaded to me stop this.

"Stop telling me what to do," he said. And with that my body burst into flames. I cried out at first then realized I wasn't burning. The flames refused to harm me. "What?! Why aren't my flames listening to me?!" Griffin yelled.

"Because I won't let you hurt lady Astaya!" Said a voice. Airgor swooped in with Solaris on his back. Solaris jumped down on Griffin and began to bite him viciously. Griffin released me from his grip as I began to fall. I was caught by a blur of blue.

"Are you alright my queen?" Asked Jade.

"Yes thank you," I said smiling a bit. Jade brought me back to the group. Zack rushed over to me. He checked to see if I had any injuries. "Zack I'm fine."

"Alright," he said defeated. I look back at the three enemies. The odds are in our favour.

"It's eight to three. There's no way they can beat us," Alic said.

"They have Griffin though. He is in his strongest form. He equals four of us," I said. "But I can't tell what's wrong with him."

"Oh really? I thought it was obvious," Zack said. "He's being compelled. It's a dark magic spell. It can be reversed by the same spell. But I don't have any black magic spell books." My eyes widen with the sudden realization.

"I have some, but they are in my room," I said.

"then I'll take you there," Zack said. "But I need someone to take my place here to help fight."

"I think we have enough people to fight them off," I said.

"Even so, still on his way," Zack said. With that, the sound of hooves clashing with a hard surface could be heard. The weird thing was that it came from above.

"What is that?" Liam asked.

"It's Artem," Zack announced.  A orange winged horse flew threw one of the opened windows. His majestic flowing mane blew in the wind. He landed next to Zack.

"I am gravely sorry for my late arrival sir," the horse spoke formally.

"It's alright you Pegasus. At least you got here," Zack said. "I want you to help fight while I take Astaya to her chambers to get her spell book."

"Alright sir," Artem said.

"Now things should be even," Lassie said.

"All of you won't be enough to fight us off. Megan," Dante said. Megan nods and sent a screeching noise at us. It echoed off the walls. Everyone around me covered their ears. But for some reason it wasn't affecting me. Dante seemed confused too. "Louder Megan," Dante ordered. She increased the volume. It still didn't do anything to me. "Louder." Dante began to panic. Megan stopped for a breath.

"I can't," she said threw heavy breathing.

"What do you mean you can't?!" Dante yelled.

"I was at my highest volume, but it still didn't do anything to her," Megan said. I feel a huge warmth rush over me. I saw a faint figure of Irene...I mean mom.

"Mom," I said. Irene smiled vaguely. She disappeared after a few seconds.

"Who were you talking to Astaya?" Asked Alic. I snapped out of my daze.

"Oh nobody," I said. "Zack let's go." Zack nods. His spear came flying as he hops onto it. Holding out his hand to me, I take it without hesitation. Zack holds me close. We flew out the window together.

"Do you think you can buy me some time? I need to find the spell without interruptions," I said.

"Yes I will try my best," he responded.

"You won't be going to far with me in your way," announced a voice. Dante appeared in front of us. "If you hand over the Queen Zack, I can give you your Megan back the way she was before." Zack glared at Dante. I took this chance to use some of my spells.

"Astaya is much more to me then Megan could ever be. She betrayed me. And there is no way you'd turn her back," Zack said. "Astaya is an amazing person who deserves freedom from you."

"So you're saying you love her, is that it?" Dante mocked.

"Not in the way you think," Zack said. "She's more like a sister or a best friend. The one you can't bear to loose."

"Ha, that's laughable. Even if you try your hardest you won't be able to prevent everything that comes her way," Dante said. Just as he finished his sentence, one of my arrows zoomed past him nicking his ear. He grabbed his ear as blood tricked down his jaw line. The arrow hovers next to me.

"Stop acting like you can do anything with me. I am much stronger now then I was then," I said. I grab the arrow and kiss the top of the arrowhead. It grows in length. I hop on it like Zack did with his spear. I almost fell a few times. "This is harder then it looks," I said.  Zack almost laughed. "You fight off Dante while I go try and find a spell to undo Megan's," I said. Zack nods.

"Alright jut don't fall in the meantime," Zack said. I nod and fly off to my tower.

Once I got to the tower, I ran to my bag. I dig threw my bag harshly. When I found it, I pulled it out, set it down on my lap, and began looking. "Compel! Compel! Compel! Where is it!" I yell. A phosphorescent glow surrounded the book. It began to flip the pages on its own. It stopped with a thrust. I look closely at the book. "That's it!"

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