The Journey Continues

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The group and I just left For the Orange kingdom. We are halfway to the to the wall that separates the green kingdoms form the Orange. I was riding on Solaris' back. He was the size of a horse. Everyone else were riding on the backs of their familiars. Well everyone besides Griffin. Griffin offered Lassie a ride on Airigor's back, which she gladly accepted. Griffin want to tryout his wings. He isn't doing very well. Looking back now, we never should have let him do it. He is covered in broken branches and twigs. If he keeps this up, I don't think he's going to make it to the next kingdom. I hear a huge snap.

"You doing alright back there Griffin?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah...I'm fine..," Griffin said threw pained groans.

"Ha, you suck at flying," Alic said. I snap my head in his direction. Glaring at Alic made him jump back. "'ll get the hang of it sooner or later."

"Nice save," I said mockingly. Alic released a sigh of relief when I looked away from him. "So can you tell me a little something about the Orange king?" I ask.

"We said you'd have to wait and see," Liam said as he flew over me.

"Yes but I want to know what to expect," I said. "I'm not much of a fan of some Kings attitudes. You guys can be pretty stuck up sometimes." Glance over at Griffin. He glares at me.

"C'mon I wasn't that bad," He said.

"I guess that's true," I said sarcastically. "If you think Acting like a complete snobby, unamused, rich guy counts as 'not that bad'."

"Fine! I'll tell you one thing about him," Griffin said. "He's smart."

"Like really smart. He's smarter then Liam," Alic said.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or not," Liam said.

"I'm saying you are smart Liam," Alic said in a rude tone, annoyed that he had to explain it. "In any case, the Orange king is really smart. He's a genius. He may not seem like it, but it's shocking how smart he really is. Sometimes it's annoying."

"I've never met him," Lassie said bluntly.

"Well it makes sense since you've never met any other Kings other then me till now," Alic said smirking.

"Shut up," Lassie said calmly. I smile. I love this group of mine.

~Time Skip~

We made it to the wall that divides the kingdoms. It was getting dark.

"We should camp out on the other side of that wall for the night," I said. "It'll be to dark to Carry on."

"Yeah that would be a good idea," Alic agreed. "But how are we supposed to get over?"

"Solaris and I are bound to the ground," Brave said. "We can't get to the top."

"Well I can fly alone with Jade and Griffin," Airigor said.

"I CAN HEAR THEM TOO?!" Alic yells still shocked by this new gift I gave him.

"What are they saying?" Liam asks. I hop off of Solaris' back.

"Liam, Lassie, and Griffin come over here," I said. They land and come over to me. "I'm going to give you all the ability to speed to animals so Alic and I don't have to explain it," I said. "Solaris can you come here for a sec?" Solaris nods and walks over to me. I take Griffins hand first. I place my other hand on Solaris' head. I nod to Solaris. He nods back.

"Hello Griffin," Solaris said. Griffin's eyes widen as his jaw drops.

"So this is permanent?" Griffin asks. I nod. Griffin sighs. "This will take some getting use to," Griffin said.

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