Under Attack

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I burst threw the door to my room. My sword and bag were on my bed. I run over and grab my sword and put it on my belt. I open my bag to look for my crown. It wasn't in my bag. I begin to panic. Where could it be. I run out onto the balcony to see if I could spot the Blue Army. I see a flock of blue Phoenix like birds. When I looked closer, it looked like there were people riding them. I see them fly over the castle.

"I have to find my crown. Without it I won't have anything to prove to the Blue King that I'm the Queen of White" I said to myself. I search the room one last time to with no luck. When I was sure the crown wasn't in the room, I run out and close the door behind me. I hear yelling. The person yelling said" All Knights come to the roof of the castle. They are attacking from the sky." I try to remember where the roof is. When I did I run in its direction. I run onto the roof and was surrounded instantly by red Knights. Their attention was towards the sky where the blue Phoenixes flew above us. I tried to find Griffin. I jumped trying to see over the tall Knights. A hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder. I turn around to see Garth.

"Garth! Your here. Are you alright? Did Luther hurt you?" I ask hugging Garth. When I had realized that I was hugging Garth, I quickly pull away from the hugs and instantly started blushing. I could see a faint smile on Garth face.

"I'm fine just a little bruised, but I'll live" Garth said. I nod giving him a smile.

"Do you know where Griffin is I need to find him" I said. Garth frowned.

"Why fight you are the queen of white. If you die in this fight the evil will surely take over this land" Garth said. I looked at him puzzled.

"How do you know all this?" I ask.

"I've read many books and a king had told me about you" said Garth.

"Oh, alright. Then you must know that I'm suppose to bring harmony to the kings and unite them. I have to do this" I said.

"Yes but... I don't want to see you get hurt" admitted Garth. I blush at the fact that he cares. Looking away, so he wouldn't see me blushing, I look down.

"This is something I have to do as part of my mission. I can't back down even in war. All I have to do is find the Blue king and prove to him that I'm the white queen so he'll call of the attack before it even started" I explained." Promise me you won't die if my talk doesn't end well."

"I promise to hold my ground against the Blue army" Garth said.

"Thank you Garth. I'm going to find a way to get up there" I said. I pull my sword from its case as a white Ora surrounded me." If only I could jump up higher" I whispered under my breath. Without warning, I was launched into the air. I look down to see no one had thrown me. There was a lot of energy coming from my feet. I smile at my newly found discovery. I jumped so high that I flew past the blue Phoenixes. I wanted to stop in the sky and just stay there. Then I landed on something solid. I couldn't see what it was so I guessed that I was standing on solid air. The Blue Army didn't seem to notice. I tried to find the leader of the Blue army. My eyes landed on a man that had a blue hood covering the top half of his head. His hooded jacket was dark blue with light blue trimming. He was riding the biggest Phoenix. He had blue cased sword. Looking closely at him I noticed he had scar that came down from where his eye left was. He turned his attentions towards me. He said something to the man next to him on a slightly smaller Phoenix. When the man next to him nod, he stood on the back of the Phoenix. He pulled out his sword as he is sounded by a blue light. He jumped up to where I was. He landed on solid air and looked straight at me.

"So you took the form of a lady this time, Griffin. That's new" He said. I was confused.

"No I'm not Griffin I'm Astaya" I said. The Man Chuckled.

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