The Curse of Their Bond

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I hear muffled voices. When I tried to open my eyes everything was blurry. I see a blue blurry figure talking to a green figure. Slowly my eyes started to adjust. My arms and chest were bandaged up. I tried to sit up, but I just fell back into the bed.

"Ow..." I moaned. The two figures turned to me.

"Astaya?!" One yells.

"Yeah..." I said in a weak tone. They walk over to me. Now I could see their faces clearly. It was Liam and Alic. They had relieved expressions on their faces.

"Are you alright?" Alic asks. A small groan left my mouth.

"I've been better," I said. "Where's Griffin?" Liam and Alic exchange looks.

"There's something a little more important that we need to discuss," Liam said. "We can go see Griffin later."

"Alright, what do we need to talk about?" I ask. Alic glances over at the bed next to me. I slowly do the same. My eyes widen. "Lassie?!" Lassie was lying unconscious in the bed. She had the same injuries as me. "What happened?!" I ask looking up at Alic. Alic couldn't look me in the eyes.

"When she was helping evacuated the people from the ball, she started to feel weak and couldn't breath. Eventually, her hair felt like it was being pulled and a cut formed on her neck. In the end her skin was covered in burns from fire and she the wind was knocked out of her like she hit a tree," Liam explained. That all sounded familiar.

"That sounds like everything that happened to me in our fight with Dante," I said. "But why is it that whatever happens to happens to her?"

"We still don't quite know the answer ourselves," Alic said. "It's strange for something like this to happen." We all pause to think of any causes.

"I know why this is occurring," said a voice. We all look towards the voice. Rebecca walked into the room.

"Rebecca? What are you talking about?" Alic asks.

"I know what Lassie and Astaya are going threw," Rebecca explained. "Alic, you know I'm older then you by five years. Well before you were brought into this world, there was a battle against the Colourless King's army. The queen had to bring her army back. They came threw the town. When I was five I wanted to see how beautiful the Queen was. When I saw them pass threw the town, I noticed that her and General Blare had the same injuries from a small cut on their cheeks to broken bones." Rebecca looked down.

"Blare? That was my mothers name," Alic said.

"Yes your mother was a general in her time. She had great skills. On with my story. I found that unusual so I looked for any possible exception that could explain this. What I found was shocking. I didn't think the gods would have been involved in this, but I was wrong. Goddess Kadence had given great power to her general. But a flaw in her spell caused them to be bound together for eternity and this would be passed down to their descendants. Together they can generate enormous amounts of magical energy. Though there are their good sides to it, the other is like a curse," Rebecca explained.

"But my mother was alive way past the time the Queen died. If they are bound to each other, why wouldn't one die along with the other?" Alic asks.

"According to what I heard from your father is that Lady Irene managed to destroy the bond between them before she died. Even after that the bond was still passed down. Queen Irene saved your mom. If she didn't do that Lassie wouldn't exist," Rebecca said.

"Yeah well it wouldn't have really mattered. She was eventually killed," Alic said.

"Alic, Irene saved her. She let her live on instead of being sealed to her fate of dying with Irene. Lassie wouldn't be here without Irene's sacrifice," I said. "And Griffin couldn't control his other side. You've met Spike. He is a stubborn personality. You can't blame Griffin forever." Alic lowered his gaze.

"Speaking of Griffin, he finally woke up," Rebecca said. "I'll bring him in." Rebecca walked out of the room. Alic still had sorrow in his pained eyes. I give Liam a can-you-give-us-a-minute look. He bows his head and leaves the room. I sit up with the little strength I have. I see a single tear leave Alic's eye. As I tried to move closer to Alic, the burning sensation of my wounds prevented me from doing so. I wince. Alic noticed.

"Don't strain yourself," Alic said not even giving me a simple glance.

"Alic..." I whisper.

(Alic's POV)

"Don't strain yourself," I said not looking at Astaya. I didn't want her to see me like this.

"Alic..." She whispered. I sit down at the foot of her bed.

"My mom was in a bed just like this, when she died," I said. "That's why I can't stand be in here. It brings back to many bad memories. Now seeing Lassie like this, it hurts." I feel arms hug me from behind. I hear Astaya sob quietly. "Astaya?" I ask.

"Alic, you have to let it out. You can't be strong if you can't defeat your weakness. Be strong. I'm here for you. All you need to to is be strong," Astaya said. She hugged me tightly.

"Be strong Alic. To be strong you must destroy your weaknesses. Be strong for me," said a child's voice. I looked up to see a little girl. She gave me a cute smile. "Be strong and wait for me."

(Astaya's POV)

I let go of Alic. He was off in his own world. I was about to lay back down, but I was hugged by strong arms. I blushed. I still had tears on my cheeks.

"Thank you Astaya," Alic said pulling me closer.

"Y-Your welcome," I stuttered. Alic lets go of me as the door creaks open. Liam walks in fallowed by Rebecca.

"Before we let him in, we must warn you Astaya. He um...has changed," Liam said. Footsteps entered the room. There towering over almost everyone was Griffin. It's like he never changed back after turning into a monster. His ears are still pointed, his clothes are the same, his demonic wings, horns, and tail were all still there. He even had the crown on too. My mouth dropped.

"Why does Griffin still look like this?" I ask.

"Well, it seems it is permanent. Once you are combined with a God, you are stuck in that form," Rebecca said. "It's weird I have never heard about this before."

"You should have seen the rage that Griffin was experiencing. There was fire everywhere," Alic said.

"Astaya, are you alright? I kinda sent you hurtling into a tree," Griffin said.

"I'm fine. I will live," I said. "It's so weird looking at you now. You could be a different person. If you looked like this when I first met you, I wouldn't want to mess with you," I said.

"Sorry to break up this conversation, but Astaya needs to rest," Rebecca said. "When she wakes up you can discuss your royal stuff." Rebecca shooed the boys out of the room. Rebecca came to help me lay back down. "By the time you wake up you'll be fully healed," Rebecca said. "I took the liberty of healing your hand. That pesky cut won't bother you anymore."

"Thank you Rebecca," I said.

"No problem, now get some sleep," Rebecca said. I nod showing her I understand. When she left the room, I closed my eyes instantly falling asleep.

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