The Goggled Man

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I wake up to a sudden sound. It sounded like a branch breaking. I sit up quickly. Solaris woke up from my sudden movement.

"What are you doing Astaya?" Solaris asks.

"I heard something. Didn't you hear it?" I ask. "You have better senses then me."

"I didn't hear anything," Solaris said. "Just go back to sleep. I'm tired."

"Okay," I said. "It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me."

"Yeah, now sleep," Solaris said slightly aggravated. I sighed.

"Alright," I said. I lay back down next to Solaris as I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

(Third person POV)

As Astaya and Solaris fell back into their sleep, a figure came out from the shadows. A smirk formed on the figures face. They walked over to Griffin and knelt down beside him. The figures female voice began to sing. They sang a lullaby.

There's a beautiful women
Just behold the woods.
She is the most powerful of all,
At first sight men fall for her beauty.
They will be under her spell,
And do anything she asks.
You will be one of them.
But don't forget,
You ONLY love her,
Now sleep my king,
For you have a task.

The figure whispers something into Griffin's ear. He nods. The figure smirks. They hurry to leave before anyone notices them.

Once the figure was far away from the groups camp grounds, they pulled out a glowing mirror. Peering back at them was non other then the colourless king himself.

"It's done my king," They said.

"Good, this will definitely crush Astaya's heart," Dante said grinning evilly. The figure smirks back. "Now hurry back to the Orange castle before anyone notices your absence."

"I will," The figure said. They put the mirror away and hurries out of the forest.

~time skip~
(Astaya's POV)

The sun leaked threw the leafy branches above us. I sit up and put my blanket into my bag. Everyone was still asleep. I look around to find a good poking stick. I get up and walk over to it. Once I made sure it wouldn't break, I walked around our little camp site and started poking people.

"It's time to get up!" I yelled a little. Everyone groaned. I poke Solaris.

"Let me sleep!" Solaris yelled.

"Nope," I said as I kept poking him. He flashed yellow eyes at me. "Don't you flash your eyes at me little pup," I said.

"I'M NOT A PUP!" Solaris yelled. He got up and started to chase me. I was laughing so hard. That only made Solaris angrier.

"Airigor!" I said. Airigor stood up and looked at me. He knew what to do. I jump onto his back as he flys high enough that Solaris couldn't reach. "Thank you Airigor," I said.

"No problem," he said.

"Jade," I called out to the Phoenix. "Can you wake up everyone. I'm kinda stuck here till Solaris calms down." Jade nods and walks over to the group. As he walked by them he dropped a little icicles down their shirts. Everyone sat up immediately trying to get the cold icicle out of their shirts. Liam didn't seem to care. He was obviously use to this. Jade got a little annoyed so he sat on Liam. Liam gasped for air as he was being crushed by Jade.

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