You Are Only Human

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"What the heck?!" Zack yelled.

"What?! What happened to my eyes?!" I ask.

"There is black diluting your white irises," Zack said.

"Aren't those called pupils?" I ask.

"No this is around your pupils. But I don't understand what is going on here," Zack said. "This is highly unusual. Come with me Astaya, right now." Zack grabbed my hand and began to pull me somewhere. Liam grabbed Zack's free hand.

"Where are you taking her?" He asks his grip tightening. Zack pulled his hand away.

"I'm going to try and figure this out," Zack said. "Now if you excuse me, I have to run some tests." My face paled at the mention of tests. I look into Zack's eyes trying to find an answer for his odd behaviour. His eyes looked dead inside. He didn't look at me. He stared at the hallway in front of him. Continuing to drag me, I gave in to his urgent mood. He must have had this happen to him before if he's acting so strange about it. Hmm...I should see if I could figure this out.

~Time Skip~

Zack has taken me up to his study. There were books and loose pages littering the floor. He got me to sit down in a chair. As he looked for something, I was trying to find a mirror so I could see my eyes. I ended up looking at my reflection in a china cabinet. My eyes looked so menacing that I couldn't stand to look at myself.

"Astaya, have you noticed any changes to you as of late?" Zack asks. "Have you been exposed to any kind of weird substance?"

"Not from what I remember. My behaviour has come a little more depressed with little bursts of anger since Griffin hurt me," I said. "And I don't believe that I've come in contact with anything unusual, besides Dante and and his sand minion." Zack's gaze darted towards me.

"The colourless kings minion?" He asked. "Does he have others that are made of air."

"Yeah I've seen them but I'm still contemplating whether or not it was real," I said. "why do you ask?"

"I've seen them before. It was a air type. It attacked my kingdom. At this time, Megan and I were a couple. She helped me fight off this monster but she accidentally took in a breath of that dark air. Ever since then her behaviour and love for me changed," he paused. "We eventually broke up and began to see changes in her eyes. It came back ever now and then. But in a split second I could see her eyes turn black."

"Did her eyes do what mine are doing?" I ask. Zack nods not looking at me.

"She broke my heart. I thought there was something special that we had. Her being one of my council members, I got to see her very often," Zack explained. "Even after the break up, I kept her on the council to observe her. Now I think she might be up to something. Did you happen to breath in any of the sand from that monster?"

"Maybe but I don't really know," I said looking down. "I was the closest to it. It's very possible."

"If you did then you might be showing signs like Megan experienced," Zack said.

"You really think so?" I ask.

"It's a possibility. Worst case scenario, you are going to fall to the Colourless King earlier then you expected," Zack said. That made me freeze.

"But I don't want to fall to that man," I said clenching my fist.

"You're beginning to sound like an arrogant child," Zack said with a smile. "Kinda like me." Seeing his smile, I couldn't help but grin.

"You know it's like you have two different personalities," I said.

"Well in that case I have three," Zack said. "My regular smile to serious smarty pants. And then there's my literal second personality. He's a jerk worse then Griffin. If he ever shows himself, run."

"Alright I'll keep that in mind," I said laughing. Zack smiled sweetly.

"You have a way with people, you know?" Zack said. "It's like you see the good in them and touch their hearts. That's what I call a perfect Queen." My cheeks turned red from the compliment.

"Uh...thanks...that's nice of you to say," I said looking down. Zack sat down at his desk.

"Astaya, in times of great importance and dyer consequences, you seem to pull threw for your team. Even when you don't have anything to defend yourself with," Zack said. "That's what makes you a queen. You fight for what's right and nothing will stand in your way to getting your crown. You are truly amazing."

"I'm not all that. I've made mistakes. I'm not perfect," I said.

"Yes but who is? The thing is with you Astaya is that you learn from your mistakes. You try to rewrite your wrongs and prove you are strong," Zack said. "You try your hardest to bring harmony, but you are only human." Zack's words were deep. They made me think long and hard. After giving them a good thought, I smile at him.

"You are amazing too. With your joy and brains. I am no more amazed by you then you are me," I said. I got up from my seat. "Zack if it wouldn't be to
much of a bother, could I request an audience with you later to discuss some things that have been bothering me lately. I would appreciate it if you invited the rest of the team to join. Griffins an exception. But everyone else please inform them."

"I would be glad to do so. We'll meet in an hour," Zack said smiling. I bow my head thanking him. He did the same. Smiling at him one last time, I walk out of his study. I needed to practice while I had some free time. Now where is that Liam at?

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