Astaya's Questions

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"What do you mean it was already healed?!" Alic yells confused.

"When we were about to preform our healing ritual, we noticed there was no injury that needed healing," Rebecca explained to a very confused Alic." Are you sure you were actually injured Astaya?"

"I'm positive. There's no way you can fake something like that. Alic saw it with his own eyes," I said.

"She's right, I was the first to notice the blood. I saw that cut she got. It looked to be a fatal injury," Alic explained. "I just don't understand how it could heal that quickly. Maybe she possesses some kind of healing magic." I look down at my hand that had the cut I gained from Mine and Liam's fight. If the wound I just received, from Aaron's blow, has healed would that mean this is healed too. I slowly take the bandage off. When the air hit it my hand stung. There, on my hand, was a deep cut.

"What?!" I ask myself quietly. Liam notices. His eyes widen. Then his gaze turned to regret.

"If Astaya can heal herself then why hasn't the cut I inflicted on her healed?" Liam asked.

"Wait you hurt Astaya?!" Alic yelled. Liam nods looking down. Alic grew angry. Alic grabs Liam by the collar. He rams Liam's back into the nearest wall. Liam didn't even flinch." Why would you do such a thing?! What caused you to do this to her?!" Alic yelled into Liam's face. Liam just stayed out taking all the blame. Liam looked down and didn't respond. "ANSWER ME!" Alic yelled.

"ALIC! He didn't do anything. It was a misunderstanding. He thought I was Griffin in a different form. He was trying to defend the white queens good name," I explained." In the end I used my hand to block Liam's blade after mine was knocked out of  my hands. Now that you know, please don't take it out on Liam." Alic didn't here me and continued to hurt Liam. Rage came over me as I charged at Alic. I pried his hands off of Liam's collar. With a swift swing of my fist, I punched Alic in the face. He fell hard to the ground. Alic was shocked by my sudden action. When I realized what I had done, my rage turned to shock. I covered my mouth with my hands." A-Alic I..." I began but couldn't continue. I slowly back away. I turn away and run out of the castle.
~Time Skip~
I kept running till I was far enough away from the castle. I stood in the middle of a clearing in a forest just beyond the castle walls. I felt so guilty. Tears fled my eyes. I can't control my anger! What's happening to me?! I sat down on the grass. I quietly sob. I heard a stick break. I rush to my feet. I quickly rub away the tears. I slowly turned around in a circle trying to find the owner of the sound. My eyes landed on a dark figure in the shadows.

"Who are you?!" I ask calling out to it.

"I'm someone that is very important in your future," Said a low voice." Can you guess who?" My eyes widen.

"Y-you're...the Colourless King!" I said shocked.

"Ding ding ding. You got it. Nice to know that you aren't that stupid. You are surely smart, just not smart enough," said the figure as he steps out of the shadows. He wore a black cloak with a white mask that covered the top half of his face." How does the wound feel. Did it heal already?" He asked. I just glared at him.

"Why are you here? I don't have time for you to just mock me," I said annoyed. He smirks.

"Oh I was getting to that. I'm here to see if you'd willingly join me? I am much stronger then those kings. I can protect you," The colourless king said. "If you refuse there will be consequences. I will set a deal. If you come with me willingly, I promise I will inflict no harm on your 'comrades'. we have a deal?" I stood there with an are-you-serious face.

"Why would I ever join the man that wants me to fail? You can forget it!" I spat out. His smirk faded and was replaced with a frown.

"How disappointing. I had high hopes for you Astaya. Well I guess they will go to waste. How nearly useless you've become," he said.

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