The Coliseum of The Slave Traders

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I hear a noise coming from our side the tent. I sit up rubbing my eyes still half asleep. I grab my bag with my sword and bow. I tie my sword to my belt while holding the bow in my hand. I step out of the tent.

"What's with all the nois-"

"Astaya get out of here!" Yelled Garth. My eyes widen when I realize what's going on. I see Griffin lying in a pool of blood. He had an arrow in his chest. Liam was unable to move because he was tied to the ground with roots that were glowing a red colour. Garth had a blade to his neck. Jade was being forced to the ground by many armed men. I grip my sword.

"Now my dear. I wouldn't do that if you value your friends life. If you try to help them I'll slit his throat" said a man holding the blade to Garth's neck. He had pale skin with light brown hair. He wore a white dress shirt and brown pants with boots. He was very tall. He smirked." Now drop your weapons and your bag" demanded the man. I hesitate. If I don't Garth will surly die. I take off my bag and throw it to the ground followed by my weapons. The man smirks and stretches out his fingers as if he were controlling s puppet attached to strings. Roots sprout from the ground,wrapping around my ankles and wrists. I see a yellow substance leaving the roots. I started to feel a sharp pain in my body as it increases. A serge of pain shocks me threw out my entire body. I scream at the pain. I notice Liam and Garth yell my name. Griffin struggles to look at me. His eyes were dripping in anger. The pain got worse. I feel light headed all of a sudden. My vision blurred. I fall over from exhaustion. I see Griffin trying to reach out to me. I try to do the same as my arm fell limb to the ground. Soon after I was unconscious.

~Time Skip~

I wake up on a cold stone floor. I moan and sit up. I was in a cell. My hands were tied in front of me by strong roots.  On the other side of the bars was Griffin.

"Griffin!" I shout/whisper. His eyes shot open at the sound of my voice.

"Astaya you're alright!" Griffin shout/whispers back. We both go to the bars. We looked into each others eyes.

"I'm fine. Are you? You were bleeding before" I said." Do you know where we are?"

"I'm better. The man wants me alive for some reason. I don't know where we are though" Griffin said.

"We are in the dungeon of the 'Slave Trader Coliseum.' That man from earlier is planning on using you Astaya to fight and win these games for him" said a voice. I turn around to see Liam on the other side of the cell.

"What's the 'Slave Traders Coliseum'?" I ask.

"It's a Coliseum where slave traders put their strongest slaves into the games. The slaves fight to get to the top. The winner's master gets to name his or her price. It could be anything. Most slaves that are entered into the games die from being killed accidentally or...killed intensionally by another slave. The slave that wins is usually saved for the next year to win again. It's a brutal and merciless game. I know why that man chose us" said Garth who was across the little walk way from my cell. I look down.

"How many slaves can a slave trader enter into these games?" I ask.

"Only one. And if he knows who we are he'll most likely enter you Astaya and use us as hostages so you wouldn't try anything" Liam said. Griffin growls.

"If you're right Liam. I'm going to kill that damn slave trader if anything happens to Astaya" Griffin mutters.

"You and me both Griffin" Liam said as Garth nods in agreement.

"But what if Liam's wrong and one of you has to fight? I'll probably be the damsel in destress like in every story. What if he kills two of us and uses one in the games and the other as a hostage? Anything can happen. I'm not the strongest here. I'm the weakest" I said looking up at the stone ceiling.

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