The Orange Castle

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That's all we could do now. Liam and I are going against the flow of citizens. We had to get to Griffin.

"Why don't you lead. I don't know my way around this city," I said to Liam.

"Alright it's this way," Liam said turning a corner. I fallowed after him. We turned a few more corners until we came across a circle of solders. I try to see over the crowd, but failed.

"Can you see anything?" I ask Liam. He shakes his head in response.

"No I can't," Liam said. "I guess we'll have to get in there." Liam charges at the group of soldiers. My reaction was a bit delayed, but I understood what Liam was planning. I did as he did, and charge at the soldiers. I reach out to Liam. I grabbed his hand as he teleported. We now stood in the centre of the circle. Griffin was standing there unamused.

"Finally, this is so irritated. I hope you are here to explain to them why I look like this," Griffin said. I give him a small smile.

"There's no need to panic. This is the Red king, Griffin. He means no harm to you or anyone here," I reassured the soldiers.

"Why should we listen to a young girl like you?!" One of the soldiers yelled. I reach into my bag and pull out my crown. I place it on my head.

"Because... I need him," I said. The soldiers froze.

"Oh terrible sorry your majesty," Said the soldiers.

"Please you can address me as Astaya," I said. One of the soldiers looked closely at Liam and Griffin.

"Are they your subordinates?" He asked.

"Uh... Yeah I guess so," I said. "But they are more like team mates."

"You consider that beast a team mate?" Asked another soldier. Griffin groans.

"Well he isn't really a beast. He's human like us. He just gained some special abilities," I explained. They all look at me like I'm crazy. I guess they don't really understand. I sigh.

"I see that you've met some of my men," said a voice from the sky's above. Everyone looked up. There flying on his spear once again, was Zack. He lands on the ground in front of me. "Men please returns to your posts," Zack requested. After his men were out of sight, he spoke. "So are you ready to see the castle?"

"Yes if it's not such a bother?" I ask.

"Nope it's fine with me. Let's get going," Zack said cheerfully. Zack led the way to the castle. I wonder what it's like.

~Time Skip~

We made it to Zack's Castle. It was a beautiful sight to see. It had tall towers that had rounded roofs. Climbing up the sides of the stone walls were beautiful vines mixed in with rose vines. The court yard was gigantic. The walls were practically dripping with details. A nice soft breeze gave it that peaceful mountain feel. My eyes met with Zack's.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"It's amazing," I said looking back at its breath taking sight. "I wonder how long it took to be built."

"Well aren't you full of curiosity. I said the exact same thing when I first looked at it," Zack said. I watched as Zack raked his fingers threw his orange hair. He noticed me starring at him. "It's nice to know someone likes what they see," Zack chuckled. As my face turned red, I looked down trying hide it. I could feel Zack smiling. Liam and Griffins deadly glares landed on Zack. I could feel the heat of hatred traveling threw the air towards Zack. Zack just smiled.

"So um...can we go inside now?" I ask. His smile widened.

"As you wish," Zack said. He held my hand and led me threw the castle gates. Liam and Griffin were not far behind. Zack pushed on the grand door that separated the outside inside from the out. The doors slowly opened. A huge wave of desire crashed over me. I was very excited to see the inside, hoping it was as well designed as the outside.

The doors revealed the beautiful décor. The architecture was magnificent. The roof was covered in well thought out paintings. I'm each of the painting there was a women in white. I guess those were the queens before me. Pillars lined the path towards the throne. The room was vast and filled with many different designs.

"It's even more beautiful in here then it was from the outside," I said under my breath.

"Well I should show you to your rooms so you can get comfortable. If you wish to see me I'll be here," Zack said looking at me. A small smile crept onto my face. He seemed really nice. When Zack's eyes finally left from mine he said. "C'mon now I'll lead the way."

Zack led us threw the grand hallways. I almost bumped into Zack when he came to a halt. "Here is Liam's room and that room right there is Griffin's," Zack explained. "When Alic gets here please show him to his room. It's that one over there. Now Astaya if you'd fallow me to your room." Zack grabbed my hand and practically dragged me away from the guys.

He stopped in front of a stair case. Letting go of my hand, he turned around to face me. "This leads to the tower. I thought you'd like to have your friend with you so she will be staying with you," Zack explained.

"Not to be rude Zack, but why have you chosen a tower?"

"It is much safer. If someone tried to kidnap you they would have an easier escape through a window down here but up there it's mostly rose vines with many thorns. And so there would not be any where to go except back the way they came. In the end they would be blocked by my men and the Kings. That's why this is the safest place for you." Zack explained. "You also have a friend with you, and I can tell she is very skilled in combat. She can help protect you."

"Who would want to kidnap me?" I ask. "Other then Dante." Zack seemed confused.

"Who's Dante?"

"Oh he's the Colourless King," I explained.

"Ah yes, him," he said with disgust in his voice. "No one even knows you exist other then the Kings and their most trusted friends or comrades. The only others that know of you are called Followers. They are people who have had a hard time in life and willingly let darkness into their life. They follow the Colourless king and believe that he can rewrite the wrongs the current kings have created-."

"But the Kings haven't done anything. The Kings that I know care for their people and help where ever they can," I interrupted.

"I guess you don't know your group of as well as you thought. Besides, it's not my place," Zack said. "You must ask them yourself. Now I'll leave you to get settled." Zack steps around me and continued his way down the hallway. I turn back to the stair case pondering what Zack had brought to my attention. What could the kings have done that I don't know about? It's probably nothing. But I'll still ask them later.

Hey my lovely readers! Sorry for the late unload. I had some family come down from Toronto. But I uploaded isn't that good tho. I just want to tell you all about a book that my friends writing. If you are a fan of fantasy, magic, guardian animals, then this is the book for you. I'd really appreciate it if you'd check it out. It's called Hidden Kingdom by Jacobstowe. Thanks guys! ✌️

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