"Liam Is..."

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   "No please Astaya, call me Dante," The colourless king said. I just glared at him.

   "I don't care what your name is!" I barked at him.

   "Oh come on Astaya! I'm not all that bad," Dante said smirking.

   "Okay then what happened to that man that I purified?" I ask.

   "Oh I made him that way," Dante said. He gave a evil smile. "I made him into one of my ghouls. I create them. They are the weak. I find that they are easier to control when they are weaker. Like if tried to turn you into a ghoul, you would defiantly use your will power to take back your body. I find vulnerable people who want to stop their pain by becoming stronger. But I lied to all of them and just created my army out of their weak and broken souls."

   "Why do you do this to these innocent people?!" I yelled. "They never did anything to you!"

   "Whoa...simmer down there Astaya. You wouldn't want anything to happen to Garth now ,would you?" Dante said. My eyes widen. I quickly turn my head towards Garth's direction. I could no longer see Garth. Luther stood in his place giving me an evil grin.

   "WHAT DID YOU DO TO GARTH!?WHERE IS HE!?" I yell. Still smirking Dante shrugs.

   "I honestly couldn't say. I don't know where my magic sends people when I want to have easy access to them," Dante admitted. "Do you want to find out, Astaya?"

   "BRING HIM BACK!" I demanded. Dante sighed. He was enjoying his evil act. Dante frowned.

   "What makes you think that you can just demand this of me," Dante said. "You have no control over me Astaya."
I gripped my katana tightly. My hand started to turn white from gripping my katana to hard. "If you want him to come back safely you are going to need to give me your sword," Dante said. I step back in shock at his demand. I look down at my sword as I consider the options.

   "Don't do it Astaya!" Called a voice. My head shot towards the voice. It was Alic. "We can make him give Garth back. And if you give him your sword what do you think he'll do. He won't keep his promises," Alic said.

   "This is probably the first time I'd ever agree with Alic," said another voice. Griffin walked into the inner circle.

   "Astaya let us deal with him," Came another calm voice. Looking over at Liam who had his hands in his pockets.
"You've used so much of your power these last few day. It'll be wise to leave this in our capable hands," Liam said. A wry smile plays across Dante's face.

   "You really think you can beat me? I could take all of you out with a flick of my finger," Dante laughed. "You all are weak compared to me. Maybe not in skills but in magic types. The only magic that can go against my black magic is Astaya's. She is the only one with light's magic. Your magic will have no effect on me."

   "You wanna bet," Alic said. He grabs the handle of his sword and pulls it from it's case. Griffin pulled out Airigor as he turned into a bow. Liam threw some kind of blues crystal on the ground as Jade appeared from it. Liam swiftly pulled out his sword and stood next to his raging Phoenix. Out of no where Brave came in fallowed by a growling Solaris.

   "Solaris how did you know to come here?" I ask confused by his sudden entrance.

   "Brave felt a disturbance. I did as well. So we came to investigate and found you in this predicament," Solaris explained.

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