The Red King

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I glared at the man who says he was the Red King. He raised a brow.

"Why is it you give me that look? Most people would cower in fear at the mention of my name" said The King.

"Sorry I don't cower. I'd rather show my hatred" I said. The King smirked.

"Well let's get back on the task at hand, shall we" the King said." So where are you from. I've never seen someone that wares the same colour as you."

"I actually don't know" I said." I am unaware of my past."

"Hmm...What is your name may I ask and if you have a title that was given to you I'd like to know that to" he said.

" I'm Astaya. I don't think you deserve to know my title just yet" I said. " I have a question for you. Why is it that one of the legendary Kings I've heard about be so rude and cruel? Aren't you to join a Queen of White or what? I don't think she would allow you to join her team with such a cruel act you are putting on."The Kings darted at me.

"How do you know of The White Quee-"

"You have quite an attitude on you, don't you? You shouldn't talk back to The Red King" Luther said walking into the picture. I look away from Luther.

"Please Luther I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me" The King said. "Now I'll ask that question later. What had happened in the town when you were out there."

"She attack us in an attempt to steal all of the taxes we've collected for you. She was able to escape, but she didn't get any of the money we collected. She escaped with the prisoner that's in the dungeon. She is quite the villain" Luther lied.

"Is this true Astaya" the king said. I look away from him. I feel my eyes tear up. I have to say it or Garth will die. I look straight down to hide the fact that I was crying. My white curly hair hung there hiding most of my face.

"Y-yes that is true" I said. My voice wavered when I talked. I feel The Kings stare soften.

"What's the real story Luther?" the King asks.

"But my King I told you the story" Luther said.

"I had asked Astaya to tell me what happened and I expect her to answer" The King said." Please Astaya tell me what happened." I look at Luther then back at the King. I had tears on my cheeks.

"What Luther said was true I tried to take away the taxes he collected. That is  what happened" I said.

"Just tell me! I want to know now and I intend to get an honest answer!" The King yelled.

"I can't! I can't tell you! I have nothing else to say!" I yelled back.

"Your trying to protect that man in the dungeon, aren't you?" He asked. I was shocked that he guessed that." Then it's true. By your expression I can tell I'm right. Tell me the real story. I promise you no harm will come of that man" he promised. I look at Luther that had a shocked look on his face. He was staring at the king.

"I-I was defending a lady who was unable to pay her taxes. She had a child. Luther said he'd take her child away and turn the child into a slave as the tax payment. One of the Knights with him was ordered to grab the child. In doing so the father tried to prevent the knight from taking his daughter. He was thrown to the ground and if I hadn't had stepped in that man would have been dead. I was willing to pay the taxes for the lady so she could still have her child" I explained." Luther had lied to me and planned to turn me onto his slave. That's when that man came and helped me by turning me invisible so we could escape. That's what happened and soon after that it brought us to this moment in time."

"I understand now" the King began." But why care for such low life people?They are just a bunch of waisted space. Why do you care about them when you know non of them." The king laughed. I felt anger come over me."Why waste your time with them. They are nothing but human scum." The last two words made me snap. Before I knew it I had broken the cuffs that held my arms back and walked over to the still laughing King. When I had stood before him, I had pulled my hand back and slapped him. His laughter instantly stopped.

"You incompetent King! You can't treat your people like that! They give you all they have and you play them of as your puppets that you can mess around with! The only scum here is you!" I yell boiling over with rage." If I were the Queen of White you'd never be allowed to join me." The King smirks up at me.

"I have made my decision" The King said." I wish that you'd stay here as my guest and I'll let your friend stay here too. If you do plan on staying I'd like to speak with you about a matter that is very important." The King turns to Luther." And your power will be limited, Luther. You have used the power I have granted you to control the people for now on the people of this kingdom will live in peace."

"But my King, I was still loyal to you through it all" Luther said.

"Well now you have to prove to me that you will allow others to be the boss of you since you like bossing people around. Guards please escort Luther here to the horse stables to clean them. Be sure to boss him around for me" the King said." Astaya, you'll be escorted to our best room and your items will be returned to you as soon as possible."
The king waves to some Knights to take me to my room. They lead me out of the room. What's with the sudden change of heart? That was strange. Well I'll ask him later.

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