A Promise Made

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The Knights lead me into a guest bedroom. When I walked in they turned around and closed the door behind them. The room was bigger then the tavern room by a long shot. The king sized bed had curtains hanging from a frame held up by support poles. The curtains were a light red as well were the sheets on the bed. I walk over to the window and look out at the city. This room was really high up from the ground. I see a door that lead out onto a balcony. I walk into the balcony and just stood there taking in the beautiful city. A nice cool breeze pushed against me.

"This place looks better from a higher view" I said talking to myself. I notice something beyond the city and the land past it. There was a huge stone wall with a blue banner hanging from it. I squint my eyes trying to see it better. It had a sword diagonally facing the ground." That must be another kingdom. I'll have to go there next."
I hear the door to the room squeak open. I go to see who it is. It was one of the Kings Knights.

"Lady Astaya the king awaits your decision. Have you decided?" He asks.

"I will hear what he has to say then I'll decide" I said. The guard nod and leaves the room. I walk over to look around in the room a little bit more. I found a big dresser that had many outfits in it. Hmm I should go look around for a while. I walk out of the room and start to explore the castle. I walked down corridors examining my surroundings. After walking threw the entire castle I made it outside. The gardens were very beautiful though they only consist of one colour, red. I walk around in the garden. The sun's warmth against my skin felt like I was one with the sunlight. Like if I where one of the Suns many rays. I close my eyes listening to the breeze brush against the branches of trees. I hear some one call out to me. I turn to the direction the voice came from. It was a guard.

"Astaya the king has requested an audience with you" said the guard. I give him a smile and nod.

"Thank you. Where can I find him?" I ask.

"He's in the throne room" answered the guard. I nod and thank him. I walk back into the castle. I was ready to hear what he has to say.
~Time Skip~

I walk into the throne room. The King sat on his throne as if he hadn't moved. I walk into the middle of the room.

"What was it you wanted to tell me, Red King?" I ask. The king sighs.

"Please I'd like it if you call me Griffin" Said the king." Now, just to make things clear. I know you are the Queen of White." I was shocked. How did he find out. I never said I was that White Queen. I only said ' if I were the white Queen.' I was so confused.

"What gives you that idea" I ask trying to play it off as a misread accusation.

"For one only the Kings know of the Queen of White and are forbidden to tell anyone of the queen for her protection. Also the queen is known for many things and one is justice. I had a suspicion that you were the queen so to prove my theory I gave you that test. In the end you had proved to me you are the Queen of white" explained Griffin.
"None of the words I said I really meant. You don't need to deny my accusation I already know the truth." I looked down.

"You got me there. I'm sorry if I had known I wouldn't have hit you. Wait what if I was not the Queen of white. I could have took a sword from one of the Knights and killed you" I said.

"That was a risk I was willing to take. I truly feared for my life. You could have been an assassin putting up a really good act that could use my laughter as a perfect time to attack me. I risked my life to prove a theory I had. It turned out to be true" Griffin said." When you slapped me I know you were the Queen because of all the stories I've heard of them. They could never kill anyone, even those who have hurt others around them." I looked down at the ground.

"Yep that's me. I couldn't hurt anyone. Luther's an exception but I could never kill him" I admit." Even if he's a spineless coward." Griffin grinned.

"Now that we have gotten that past us, I'd like to ask you a question" Griffin stated.

"Sure what is it you wanted to ask of me?" I ask.

"Will you Accept me and allow me to join you in your fight against the colourless king?" Griffin said." I ask you this because I feel you are angry with me from the conversation earlier. So this is why I ask you." I had already had my decision.

"I can't save this world with out one of my main means of support now can I?" I said smiling." Everything before has been forgotten. When you take my hand a new impression will be created. We will be the start of a free realm. I am thankful you have chosen to fallow this path." I held out my hand to Griffin. He gets up from his throne and walks over to me. He shakes my hand.

"I promise you Astaya I will let no harm come to you. My complete loyalty is in you" Griffin said. I smile at him.

"Thank you Griffin" I said. He nods taking the thanks. Suddenly one of the guards burst threw the throne room doors.

"Your highness we are under attack! The Blue King is closing in!" said the guard.

"Alright did anyone find Astaya's things?" Asked Griffin. The guard nods.

"They were in Luther's chambers. We have placed them in her room" said the guard.

"Alright thank you that will be all" said Griffin.the guard nods and leaves the room." Astaya I suggest you go and retrieve your items. If we are attacked they may charge at you and I don't want you to get hurt in this attack. We will have to find Liam and tell him. He'll listen to you if he knows who you are. Now go get your items before they make it here."I nod and sprint out of the throne room. I was running down the halls and corridors. I hope no one gets hurt or killed in this fight.

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