The Weatherman

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Matthew, like usual, felt like shit when he woke up.
He was freezing, but he didn't want to move. A very large part of him just wanted the cold to overtake him. To free him from his pain...
"Bad news." Somebody pushed open his door as if they had lived in this place for ages. There was something off about that. Matthew hadn't had a friend in a year.
Exactly a year yesterday. That was when everything fell apart.
"Ve can't leave zhis place until somebody shovels us out."
"Whuh?" Matthew rubbed his eyes and sat up. "You're back?"
"I just said...I can't get out." The guy from last night shut the door behind himself. Matthew hadn't gotten the best look at him, being so heavily drunk and all. But now, in the light of the day, he could see that he had done good.
"Well, I don't know what to do aboot it..." Matthew rubbed his eyes.
"Jou don't mind if I stay here until isht cleaned up, do jou?"
Matthew hesitated. He had plans for that day...but if he couldn't leave the house...
"Uhm...I don't see why not?"
"Danke!" The man with the white hair strutted deeper into the house. He found the couch and sat down, looking worn.
"So...uh...." Matthew scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "What's your name?"
"Mein name...huh..."
" can't stay here all day if I don't know what to call you..."
"I normally don't tell people I've slept vizh mein name...makes if easier for zhem to find me."
Matthew groaned. "Do you want to hang in the hallways or not?"
"That's a stupid name."
"Jours is probably just as bad." Gilbert rolled his Crimson eyes.
"Shit. Zhat's an Adorable name." He slammed his hand into his face.
Matthew laughed.
"Vhat do jou do around here for fun?"
"I don't really have fun..." Matthew shrugged.
"Vhat? How do jou survive?"
"I sleep a lot..."
Gilbert looked astounded.
"Do jou at least have books or-"
"I got rid of all my books."
"Vhat zhe hell for?"
Gilbert growled under his breath and lay on his side. Matthew was grateful he didn't ask why he needed money.
"Vhat do jou do for a living?"
"Uhm." Crap, he was onto him.
"Uhm? Is zhat some kind of union job?"
Oh great. He was sarcastic.
"I'm unemployed..."
"Jou're unemployed und jou have nozhing to do? Vhat is jour reason for living?"
Matthew's truthful instincts wanted to reply with "I have none." But Gilbert was a stranger. You don't tell a stranger those kinds of things.
"I'm going back to sleep." He sighed, curling up on his side.

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