Anybody Listening?

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Anybody Listening?- Classified
To anybody who read the message about my iPod being broken, I fixed it. You can expect updates like normal.

Matthew's phone barely rang.
When it did, the blonde usually shoved it in his pocket or under his pillow. It was only call centres and con artists who wanted to call that particular phone.
But over the next two days the phone rang once every hour.
"Just leave it." Matthew kept telling Gilbert every time he asked.
However, leaving it only made the problem worse. Soon he was getting calls every half hour and then five minutes. Gilbert was getting irritated. Even Matthew was starting to snap. And so, to ease the pain they were both feeling, the German snatched the device out of Matthew's hands, hit talk, and handed it back to him.
"Deal wizh jour fucking problems, Matthew." Gilbert crossed his arms.
Matthew sighed but soon after was voicing a soft "Hello." Into the speaker.
He turned his back to Gilbert and repeated a few soft "uh huh"s and "mhm."s before he muttered a "I'm sorry. I'm busy that day." followed by a few more apologies and a half assed goodbye."
"Vhat vas zhat all about."
"It was nothing."
"Vhat did jou mean about 'busy zhat day'? Jou have nozhing but time."
"It was just a stupid wedding my cousin was trying to invite me to but I don't want to go because he lives far away and he's probably gonna yell at me the whole time and..." He trailed off as tears fell from his eyes and he fell onto the bed. Gilbert sat down beside him and rubbed his back to calm him.
"I'm not forcing jou to go."
"I want to throw up."
"These pancakes are coming up."
"Please leave me to die."
Gilbert winced at the genuine voice he used. There was no joke behind his words.
"Jou're only tventy five."
"So? That's like the ideal age for rock stars or somethin' I dunno."
Gilbert bit the inside of his cheek, choosing to cover the blonde in his blankets and lie down at his side.
"I zhought jou vanted to get better."
"I...I dunno anymore."
Gilbert sighed again, and was about to offer more support, when his phone rang. He swore softly and jumped out of bed, answering his phone quickly.
"Francey-Pants?" Oh gött he wanted to talk with Francis so bad, but Matthew was having a crisis. "Uh, can jou hold on for two seconds, I've got to do somezhing."
"Oui. I can."
Gilbert slipped his phone into his pocket without hanging up. He ran over to Antonio's place and knocked.
As usual, the Spaniard answered the door in an instant. He was only wearing pyjama pants despite it being four in the afternoon. But damn did those PJs ever trace that ass.
"I have to take a call and he's not doing good. Can you calm him down for me?"
"Sí. No problemo, amigo." Antonio zipped across the hallway to help while Gil stayed out and pulled his phone back out of his pocket.
"I'm back. Sorry about zhat."
"Non. It's fine."
"Vhat are jou calling about?"
"I'm getting married."
"Really? Congrats. Vhen' zhe vedding?"
"Zhe day after tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't get a'old of you sooner."
"Nein. Isht fine."
"Are you coming?"
"I dunno...I don't vant to go to somezhing like zhat vizhout a date."
"Don't you 'ave Liz?"
"Nein. Ve broke up a month ago."
"I'm sure mon Arzhur 'as enough single ladies added to zhe guest list for you to browse zhrough."
A few years ago, the idea of having a shit ton of hot ladies to flirt with would have been a dream for Gil.
But somehow, after loosing Liz and gaining Matthew, he didn't feel as excited about it.
"Mein roommate is kind of...unstable...I'll ask zhe neighbour if he can spare a day or two."
"Zhree days. I'll 'ave a car sent tomorrow afternoon and you can go 'ome zhe next day."
"Zhat's quite a long time to leave him on his own..."
"If your neighbour can't take 'im, bring 'im along. You'll 'ave to share a room, but I zhought you were bringing Liz."
"I'll try to be zhere." Gil promised.
"Jour velcome."
Gilbert hung up and entered his own apartment, finding Matthew curled up in the bed with Toni. Hey had both fallen asleep and looked pretty cute. Gilbert nudged Antonio awake. The Spaniard shot up, wiping drool from his lips.
"Do jou zhink jou can take care of Mattie for zhe next few days?"
"I'm not free for the next few days...sorry..."
Gilbert sighed. "I'll bring him vizh me."
Antonio nodded and went back to spooning Matthew.
Gil planned on waiting until his roommate woke up before he would convince him To come to the wedding.

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