I'm Not Your Hero

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I'm not your hero- Tegan and Sara

My favourite Canadian celebrity couple is Ehlen Degeneres and Portia Degrassi.

When Matthew entered the kitchen that morning, rubbing his eyes and yawning, he was surprised to see two strange men sitting at the table.
The taller one was skittish looking with mousy brown hair that grew to his shoulders. The other one had short hair and glasses.
"Matthew, you're up!" Katyusha smiled from across the table to the blonde man.
"This is Edvard and Toris...they live in your old house."
"Oh...hey..." Matthew yawned again. "Look, I'm gonna head home now. Gil's probably worrying..."
"He called last night."
"Did he?"
"Yeah. We told him you were safe."
Matthew nodded. "Um...it was nice meeting you, Toris, Edvard." Matthew stuck out his hand for each of them to shake. He then walked toward the door, shouting out before he escaped. "NATALIA HAS A CRUSH ON TORIS!" He slammed the door behind him and rushed down the pathway to the gate before Natalia could throw a knife at him.
He jumped into a bush to watch what would happen next.
The Belarusian burst out of the house, anger in her eyes. Toris exited behind her, grabbing her arm.
Matthew couldn't hear what they were saying but soon the Lithuanian was pulling her in for a soft and passionate kiss. Matthew smiled, choosing that moment to walk away. He was glad he had done something good for the day.
About halfway home, he was passing an alleyway. Somebody inside grabbed his coat and pulled him in.
"Hello, young lady.~" The man purred seductively. Then, noticing that Matthew wasn't a chick, he scowled.
"If you had've manned up this wouldn't have happened." The stranger pulled out a knife. "Empty your pockets." Matthew did as he was told, taking out his wallet, keys, and cellphone.
The man took his phone and the money from his wallet. Then he lifted his knife above his head, ready to strike.
But one of the trash bags from the back of the alley came flying out of nowhere and hitting him. They both looked in the direction from which the bag came, seeing a black shadow with glowing purple eyes. The mugger screamed and ran, taking Matthew's money and phone with him.
But Matthew stayed, too scared to move.
The shadow lightened in colour and took the shape of a man.
A familiar man.
"I'm always here to protect you, sunflower."
Matthew smiled, reaching out to touch Ivan's pudgy face. His hand slipped right through and Ivan who dissolved into dust particles that landed on the Canadian's face.
"Ivan..." Matthew sighed happily as he fell to the ground, eyes fluttering shut.

Things that people didn't get mad at me for:





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