Hotline Bling

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Hotline Bling- Drake

Girl I'm gonna use you to plant my seed cuz u a hoe!
I was gonna wait until tomorrow to post this because I wanted to make you wait for smut but we might have a snow day so I didn't want to cause suffering.

"Birdie?" Gil poked his head into Matthew's room, eyes filled with worry. Matthew was sitting on his bed, legs pulled up to his chest and face buried in his knees.
"I'm sorry. I overreacted..."
"Isht okay. I shouldn't have kissed jou like zhat."
"People were noticing and I just panicked."
Gil nodded and shut the door behind him, walking over to the blonde and hugging him closely.
"I'm really sorry, Matt."
Matthew hugged back, burying his face in Gil's neck and weeping lightly.
The German stroked his back and soothed him.
" it vrong zhat I vant to stay vizh jou?"
"It's very wrong." Matthew pulled away and pressed his forehead against the albino's.
"Zhen I guess I'm a naughty boy.~"
Matthew laughed loudly as Gilbert pinned him to the bed.

(Smoot werning)

"You need to be punished." Matthew pulled Gil down and kissed him with all the force he had.
Gilbert's lips were hungry and broke away from Matthew's. They landed on Matthew's cheek, then his jaw, then his neck.
"Don't leave any marks." Matthew warned.
But did Gil listen?
He only sucked around the lower parts of his neck, making the other man moan lewdly.
Matthew worked off Gilbert's tie, smirking evilly as he did so.
"Vhat are jou planning, birdie?"
Matthew chuckled and flipped them over so he was on top. He stretched Gil's arm out, using the tie to attach his wrist to the bedpost.
"Oh Mattie.~"
The Canadian removed his own tie and did the same to his other wrist.
He sat up, taking off his coat and unbuttoning his shirt slowly.
Gilbert bit his lip eagerly. "Mattie, how drunk are jou?"
"Did jou used to do zhis type of stuff a lot?"
"With Ivan? Oh yeah. We were totally into the kinky shit."
Gilbert smirked. "Vhat ozher zhings did jou do?"
Matthew crawled out of the bed. He slowly removed his pants, swaying back and forth as he wiggled out of his boxers.
Gilbert eyed Matthew's dick, starvation in his eyes. "I missed him."
"He came to say hello."
"Hey zhere little guy!"
"Excuse me...little?"
"Big guy...huge...a VHALE!" Gilbert's eyes widened.
"That's what I like to hear." Matthew climbed back on top of Gil and unbuttoned his shirt, stroking his pale abs fondly. Gilbert moaned as he was kissed in every exposed area.
The blonde moved downward, undoing and removing his pants. He went after the boxers next, examining them with judgement.
"Are these mine?"
"Jou never told me vhere zhe laundry place is."
"On the ground floor right next to the entrance."
"Oh. Schieße."
Matthew chuckled, taking the boxers off and started rubbing their peenors together.
"Ah, Vögelchen!"
The Canadian lowered his mouth to Gilbert's member, sucking sloopily, more to dampen it than anything.
He positioned himself over Gilbert's dick, sitting down so it could slide up his ass. He grabbed a hold of the albino's hips and started to bounce.
Gilbert let out a loud moan just as the music downstairs was changing. Matthew panicked and placed his entire hand over the German's mouth to quiet him.
He continued to ride, harder than a cowboy at the Calgary Stampede (which is so hard that sometimes the Bulls get majorly injured and have to be put down. And you thought bull fighting was inhumane!)
Matthew took his hand away from Gil's face. "That's right. Say my name.~"
"Matthew Julio Ricardo Montoya Dela Rosa Ramirez!~"
"What the fuck???" Matthew furrowed his brow as he shifted his hips in just the right way for Gilbert and him to both cry out in pleasure.
The Canadian was thankful that the music downstairs was dubstep.
"Mattie-I'm gonna-mein gött!"
"Hello gonna-mein gött, I'm ma-ahhh-thew." The blonde moaned as he let loose a spray of jizz all across Gilbert and the wall.
Gilbert came into Matthew's ass, groaning at the release.
"Holy schieße!"
"This is gonna take a while to clean up." Matthew sighed.
"Untie me und I'll help."
"No way. You're my prisoner.~"
"Fine." Matthew undid the ties and dropped them down on the floor as he crawled off Gilbert's dick.
"Ve've really gotta take a shower..." Gilbert pointed out.
"Thank Trudeau the bathroom's just across the hall."
"Here..." Gilbert wrapped a blanket around himself and his lover and picked up some random clothes for them to wear.
"Let's go."
The two made it to the bathroom with no trouble. They locked the door behind them and Gilbert turned the water on.
He pulled the Canadian into the water.
"Can I wash you?" He asked. Matthew nodded and Gil went right to work squirting body wash on his hands and lathering up, rubbing the substance into Matthew's back. He then went for the shampoo, starting to work it into his beautiful blonde mop. He accidentally whipped that little curl into the mix and Mattie fell to his knees, moaning lewdly.
"Vhat vas zhat?!"
"I...uh..." The man stood, face blazing red.
"Aw Mattie! Did I find jour special spot?~"
Gilbert grinned and knelt down so he was face to face with Matthew's hardened member. He put it in his mouth and sucked lightly.
Matthew rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and started scrubbing away at Gil's while he got blown.
Eventually he came and Gilbert swallowed every litre.
He and his lover finished washing up and preceded to dry each other off.
The two quickly dressed and escaped into the hallway where Alfred stood smugly against the wall outside Matthew's room.
"Didja wear protection?"
"Alfred, lay off."
"Don't get my brother pregnant, Gil."
"Stop." Gil said, voice warning.
He reached for the door but Assfred stopped him.
"Lars up."
"Hey, just go to Gil's room. Snuggle a bit. I dunno. I'll cover for ya."
"Um...thanks bro...?" Matthew took Gilbert by the hand and lead him off.

I wrote most of this as I sat next to my mother so there's that...

So Canada was the first country in the world to legalize medicinal pot.
I think we all know why Netherlands sends him tulips.

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