Dying to Live Again

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Dying to live again- Hedley

Matthew luckily still had his keys and the police were still tracking his phone to uncover his mugger. It was because of this that he was calm upon unlocking his apartment door.
"You gonna be okay?" Alfred asked.
"Yeah. Thanks for the ride." He hugged the other blonde as tightly as his arms could stand.
Alfred smiled and walked away to head home.
Matthew pushed open the door, entering to find a tall blonde man sitting on his couch.
"Um...hello?" Matthew shuffled forward cautiously. He scanned the man with thousands of questions running through his mind.
"I'm Gilbert's bruder." The man finally responded. "Jou must be Matthew."
"Yeah..." The Canadian had forgotten that Gilbert's younger brother was coming to visit. Relationship problems tended to do those things to a man.
"Gilbert's sleeping." The other German gestured to the bed where Gilbert was curled up, a heap of blankets covering him. "Can jou tell him I said goodbye? Mein plane leaves soon und I have to get to the airport."
"Uh...sure...no problem...Ludwig was it?"
"Ja. I'll try to visit again in zhe summer. Danke for letting me stay." Ludwig put on his coat and grabbed his things before heading out the door.
Once they were closed in again, Matthew wandered to the bed, sitting down beside Gil. He allowed himself a few moments to admire this beautiful person before he nudged him awake.
"Huh? Mattie?" The German sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Vhere's mein bruder?"
"He had to leave. He didn't want to miss his plane."
Gilbert nodded. "Can ve talk?"
"Yeah...I...uh...thought some things over and-"
"Matthew, I'm moving out."
Gil lowered his eyes. "I fucked up big time vizh jou. I shouldn't have said anyzhing at Franny's place und I don't vant to hurt you anymore zhan I alvready have."
"Don't try to make zhis any harder on me, please." He climbed out of bed, starting to pick up his things.
Matthew was too stunned to move. He only regained his muscle control when Gilbert started to leave, grabbing onto the back of his shirt.
The albino stopped, ready to hear him out with skepticism, but Matthew didn't have any words.
"Please let go."
"I can't...I..."
Gilbert slowly turned around. "Jou vhat?"
"I love you. Gil, the only reason I ran off was because I needed to process things. But I did that. I'm okay now and I realized...that I...that I'm in love with you..."
"Jou really mean zhat?"
"If I didn't love you I would have let you go you idiot." Matthew hugged Gilbert closely, his eyes starting to tear up.
The German somehow held Matthew tighter. The two fell onto the floor, sobbing and rocking back and forth, letting out all their bottled emotions in one go.
"Can we make this last forever?" The blonde asked.
"No. Ve'll make it last longer." Gil leaned forward and planted the softest and most passionate of kisses on Matthew's lips.
"I vasn't lying on zhat day. Zhe two of us vere togezher vhen Matthew decided to go back to vork, me vaiting for him at home on zhe nights he stayed out late. Ve vere togezher still, zhree years later vhen I proposed one afternoon as ve sat vatching heartland, alone so I vouldn't pressure Matthew into saying jes if he vasn't sure. I remember zhat day Natalia called to say zhat Ivan had crossed over. He vas finally sure zhat Mattie vould be okay. Our vedding vas held zhe following spring. Ludwig brought his husband who brought his bruder, Lovino, who hooked up vizh Toni." Gilbert paused so the audience could have a chuckle. "I still can't believe zhat vas sixty jears ago. One minute jour having rough assed sex vizh jour adorable husband, und zhen zhe next jour in zhe hospital vizh a broken hip because jou vere dumb enough to slip on a patch of ice." He smirked and adjusted his weight onto his cane. "But Mattie ended up living a full life. I'm glad he died peacefully instead of by doing it himself." He looked at the coffin sitting beside him fondly, knowing that he was soon to follow. This was what happened with old couples like them. Once one died, the other went right after them.
"I know ve vill all miss him. But he's happy now. He's vizh Ivan, who's probably still some young hot ghost, und vhen I join zhem, in hell probably, cuz ve're such gay fucks, ve vill have zhe greatest zhreesome zhe vorld has ever known." He paused again. "Shit. Ve're in a church..." He shrugged. "But until ve meet again, I love jou Matthew. Forever."

Aw I ended it sad.
Shout out to kittykatz67 HetaliaFangirl666 Rubydust Cazypup unicornsparkles163 and anybody else reading this work of art. I love you guys more than you love me. Trust me. Y'all keep me writing and drawing and doing random shit just because I'm a people pleaser. I hope you stick by me in more fics to come.
Au revoir suckers!

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