Can I Go Nowhere With You?

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He was so strange.
Gilbert couldn't figure out why he was so...boring? He seemed to be avoiding something.
And then there was the fact that Gilbert had jack all to do in this apartment. There was nothing here for him to do.
He paced back and forth, boredom itching his skin. What to do, what to do?
He tried cleaning the kitchen but the water wasn't running, then he planned to dig through Matthew's stuff, but something stopped him. Matthew let out a tiny sound of distress. Gilbert looked his way.
He was crying...kinda.
It was in the subtle way of those suppressing their pain. His eyes leaked and his breathing was off. But he was definitely asleep.
Gilbert knelt at his side, watching him closely. "Who hurt you?" He whispered softly, reaching forward to brush the hair out of his eyes.
With that, the blonde opened his eyes.
"What are you doing?" He leaned back, startled.
"You were watching me sleep!"
"Of course I vas. Zhere's nozhing better to do in jour boring assed house."
"Well excuse me for living a minimalistic lifestyle!"
Gilbert sighed. "Hey, vhy vere jou crying?" He made his voice go as gentle as possible.
Matthew pawed at his eye, pulling his hand away to reveal tears.
"I wasn't crying." He insisted.
Gilbert forcefully grabbed Matthew's wrist and eyed the wet droplets on the back of his hand.
"Is none of your business anyway." Matthew hissed defensively. He pulled his hand away and lay back down, rolling so his back was to the albino.
Gilbert let out a soft sigh. He curled up next to Matthew, spooning him without gaining rejection. "If ve're going to be stuck here togezher, ve can't be at each ozher's zhroats."
Matthew sighed. "I guess you're right." He didn't move from Gilbert's grasp. The German guessed he was comfortable. Or maybe just lazy.
"Are you bored again?" Matthew asked.
"Of course." Gilbert sighed.
There was a long pause in which Matthew didn't say a thing. Then, he spoke up, calm as ever.
"Tell me aboot yourself, Gilbert."
"Uh...mein family is from Germany...mein parents met vhen zhe Berlin Wall fell. Mein mozher was on zhe east side und mein fazher zhe vest. I have a little bruder named Lugwig who's staying vizh zhem out in Germany und all mein friends live far away now."
Matthew didn't say anything. He nodded.
"Vhat about jou? Vhat are jour friends like?"
"I don't have any."
Matthew sighed. "I abandoned them all."
Gilbert sat up. "Vhy vould jou do zhat?"
"I..." Matt mumbled something under his breath but Gilbery couldn't hear.
"Never mind."
"Just drop it." He snapped.
"Fine. Vhat about jour family."
"They abandoned me."
"Vhat for?"
Matthew growled and pushed Gilbert away. "None of your business."
"Geez. Touchy much." Gil sighed, rolling over.
They didn't say anything for the next few hours. Gil thought Matthew was sleeping a few times, but every time he looked over he could see Matthew looking numbly up at the ceiling.
There was definitely something wrong with the male, but Gilbert couldn't quite figure out what.
And yet, Gilbert felt some sort of interest toward him. He wanted to know everything about Matthew, his favourite foods, colours, clothes. Everything.
This was something he had never experienced before.  

One More Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें